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Stasi ...

These 4 months has been hectic. I was almost 5 months now and at my last doctor appointment my doctor has told me I was at high risk of losing the baby if I didn't control my blood pressure and stop stressing. All this stressing was coming from Andre. Every since we've gotten the news about me being pregnant he's been busy all the time. I never see him anymore and when I do see him we argue. After I delayed the information that the doctor told me to Andre he wanted to stop the arguing and focus on our baby. It didn't really change anything but I decided not to speak on anything because I know how me and him can get and I just can't risk losing my baby over this shit.

   Since Andre left me In the house by myself once again , the girls decided to go to lunch, so I got up and went in the bathroom to start my hygiene process.

Once I was done I walked out the bathroom and got dressed. I sported a simple sweatsuit. I had just a little pudge so you couldn't really tell if I was pregnant or just ate 😂

 After doing everything and making sure I took all my prenatal pills and things in that such , I walked out of the room

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After doing everything and making sure I took all my prenatal pills and things in that such , I walked out of the room. On my way out I heard noise coming from the kitchen. My outer black self told me to mind my business and keep it moving but the white girl in me told me go look. So I went into the kitchen scared as fuck cause after all I was in here by myself and I knew I shouldnt of came looking for shit. As I looked around the kitchen I heard the noise again. This time I looked towards the back door and seen King scratching at the door trying to get in. I let him in and he immediately cuddled up on my leg. This dog was so damn spoiled but he was my baby. Andre probably was the stupid ass who left my baby out there. Andre don't really like my dog anymore because he says I treat king like a human to much and he gets to much of my time . His stupid ass is such a hypocrite but we not gonna get into that.

  I picked King up and kissed him on his head before filling up his food and water bowls. I put him down and sped walked to the door before screaming an " love you King " .  He as always barked like he was saying it back.

Once I got in the car I put my phone on do not disturb because the girls were blowing my line. As always I was late but I didn't need them chewing me a new asshole so I rather not get the calls so I just ignored it . I put my music on and turnt up the whole way to the little pizza spot we went to. I finally arrived at the pizza spot and walked right in.

I spotted the girls and walked over to them, shit I wouldn't be surprised if they tried to jump me cause they  was definitely salty.

" Hey sistas " I say sitting down.

" Look who showed up , miss Hollywood has finally arrived. " T says while lea laughs.

" akekeke bitch , you know I'm never on time and now I have a excuse. "

" yeah well what the hell is your excuse ? " Lea asked , while giving Alana some hand sanitizer. I placed my hand on my belly rubbing it

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