C . 23

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I'm not even gonna try & hit y'all with excuses 😂😩 I'm super sorry y'all ! I'll try & be consistent now & I hope I still have you guys supporting me . But anyways back to the storyy...

2 months later ... ( this will probably be the last time gap until after the baby is born )


" wake up fatty , Ma made you some breakfast "  I opened my eyes to see Malik Standing over me . I stretched out while yawning & let me tell you that shit made me go somewhere different . It felt soo good .  Malik scrunched up his face & covered his nose .

" what's wrong ? " I asked looking at him sideways . He came a little closer to me & covered my mouth .

" Your and that morning breath sis . That yawn almost put me out " I hit him in his arm before getting up heading towards the bathroom .

" Tell mommy I'll be down soon & not to send you in here ever again "  he laughed

" I love you too fatty " and with that he left out my room .

   I made it into the bathroom and started running the shower so it could get hot . I walked out the bathroom to get my speaker & when I walked back in I begin brushing my teeth and doing my Skin care routine . I always did my face before getting into the shower , this pregnancy acne wasn't no  joke .
Once the shower was hot & I was done with my face I stripped down and got in. I let the water hit my skin . I swayed to the song that was on while holding my stomach . I was 7 months now & To say I was ready to give birth was an understatement. I was blessed to have a cute lil pregnant belly. I wasn't huge & I wasn't small . Sometimes you could tell I was pregnant & some days you couldn't .
   I was so grateful nothing was wrong with my baby after that Lil accident that happened months back & I'm also grateful that the doctor let us go home because we were definitely suppose to be in that damn hospital until my Baby was born .
Being as though I got the opportunity to come home , My momma along with momma carter planned my baby shower & I guess  you can say gender reveal. I don't know what I'm having yet .. no one knows except My momma & momma carter . They've been putting everything together & Now today is the Day .  I couldn't be more excited to find out what I was having .
  I must of been in the shower longer than I thought because I heard banging at my door snapping me out of my thoughts .

" bunny you okay ? "  I smiled . My mother checked up on me so much . But I appreciated it .

" Yes Ma ! I'm coming out right now " & on cue I shut the water off & climbed out the shower. I wrapped the towel around me & grabbed my phone & speaker & walked out .

" Bunny come on , we have a lot of things to do today & your food is getting cold . " She said making up my bed . My mother tended to clean wherever she was at . I grabbed my outfit & laid it on my now clean bed .
" I'll be ready soon Ma . " I started putting on the after shower hygiene products while my mom rambled about everything we had to get down before the baby shower later .

" have you talked to Andre Lately ? " this questioned shocked me but I knew it was coming . I rolled my eyes at the mention of his name .

" Not since my last doctor's visit " my mom looked at me weirdly .

" He is coming today ... Right ? " I nodded my head .
" Anything involving his child , He'll always be apart of . " she nodded her in agreement .

" Well finish getting ready bunny , I'm giving you 15 minutes . " she walked out my room & I continued getting dress .

What I said to her was true . I would never Be that type of Babymother. I Will not let my Child suffer because of whatever Me & Killa  have going on , that's just not in me . Regardless if we together or not He has the Right to be involved in Any & Everything that has to do with his Child . I would Never Take that away from Him because I know he wants to be the father he never had & I know how it feels to not have a father around so I would Never Deprive my child of that . Any Mother that does That is Sick & Real life Bitter.
  After I cursed Killa out the day I was admitted into the hospital , He tried a few times after that to try and fix things . But I wasn't with a small ass " you tripping " " I'm sorry " " I wouldn't do that " . I didn't want to be stressing and at the point I was at the trust was gone . Once I made it clear I wasn't with it , he "respected"  my wishes and let me rock . Although I knew he was mad , He came with  me to every Doctor's appointment , we went shopping together and everything else. He fulfilled his daddy shoes none of the less but we had nothing to discuss about Us as a couple . If it wasn't about our baby I didn't wanna Talk.
   I finally got ready fully & admired my outfit And makeup . I didn't wear much makeup anymore because with all the pregnancy acne and my laziness I just wasn't with it .But you know I had to beat my face just a lil for my babyshower .  I found my  dress so cute and it was for the low too. I got it off Pretty little thing .  I guess I didn't follow the dress code but Oh well my Dress was too cute . The sandals & purse I paired with it went so well .

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 15, 2018 ⏰

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