Chapter 26

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*Alex's POV*

Today I was going shopping for a dress with Jenna today for the wedding tomorrow. Luke was still sleeping when I woke up but his hand was tightly secured around my waist. I tried to pry his fingers off but he wasn't letting up "Stop it" Luke groaned slightly from behind me, I wasn't sure if he was awake or if he was dreaming "I need to get ready" I half whispered and he groaned again "No, you won't come back" He groaned again and I tried to turn in his hold only making it half way round "I''ll always come back" I assured the half-sleeping beauty and his slightly opened "Promise?" He croaked and you gave him a small smile then pecked his nose "Promise" you confirmed and his arm loosened reluctantly "I'll be back before you know it" He nodded and drifted back to sleep. You had scurried back to your own room but not without an encounter with Jacob "Someone been busy?" He smirked as he stood in the hallway "That is none of your business" I had stated before entering the room I was allocated. I just dressed in jeans and converse with a t-shirt and a hoodie over the top because it was still pretty chilly in Orlando. I popped my head in the door of Luke's room and sure enough he was still sleeping. He must be pretty jet-lagged after being in Australia over the holidays and then going to LA for about week and coming here with me. I appreciated it of course, I watched him for the doorway, smiling to myself "Are you coming in or are you just gonna stand there?" He spoke up and I smiled and walked towards him "I think we're going now" I told him as he pulled me to sit on the bed "Wait" He got up and searched through his backpack and took out his wallet "Here" He handed me a chunk of money but I shook my head "I can't take that there must be about 100 dollars there" He thrust his hand forward "Please take it, I never got you a Christmas present" He whined a little and I shook my head again "No, we agreed we weren't doing Christmas, this is too much" He nodded and pulled me close to him so our chests are  touching "You don't have to spend it just please take it" I rolled my eyes and sighed "Fine" I breathed and he smiled "Thank you" He kissed me and pushed the money in my hand.

"What about this one?" Jenna held up a bright pink dress that went right down to the ground. I scrunched up my nose and shook my head continuing to search the rails "We've been in almost every shop and you haven't seen a single one you like, I don't think there are much shops left to look in" She laughed a little at the end I smiled a little "I'm sorry, I just don't like dresses that much" Jenna walked over to stand beside me "Your brother told me that you used to dress up every weekend" She whispered and I froze "He did?" She nodded but didn't make eye contact. Did she know? Did my brother tell her? Why should I care if he did? That isn't me anymore, I've changed. A lot. I feel like a new person, well I did until Sam came back but he's gone again. For good this time. "What about this one?" I had been in a daze and hadn't even noticed Jenna had moved down another rail already. I simply shook my head and walked down again when something caught my eye. A mannequin stood over in the far away corner wearing a white and black dress, the bottom was white and 'flowy' and they top half was black floral lace. I walked over to get a closer look with Jenna following behind me "That's lovely, Alex! You'll look great in that!" She sounded so excited and I picked up the dress from the rail beside the mannequin "Shoes next?" Jenna asked sounding hopeful "I think so"  She squealed a little at my response. I thought about the money that Luke had given me. Should I spend it? The dress was a little pricey, and he told me to spend it so I guess that is just what I'll do. I handed my money over to the cashier and he gave me back my change and my bag before Jenna dragged me off to the shoe shop that was three shops down. We searched for the perfect pair of shoes to match my dress when I found some plain plack ankle boot wedges with a simple gold zip on the inside "How about these?" I called over to Jenna and she came rushing over "They're perfect!" She squealed again and I winced not used to this kind of girly noise "Let's go and pay" She grabbed me again and dragged me over to the till. Thank god I live in LA, I don't think I could take much of her after this week. Don't get me wrong I liked her she's just a little...exciteable? I paid for the shoes and began to walk away "Alex?" An unfamiliar voice calls from behind me. I don't know whether to turn around incase it is someone else they are shouting on "Alex? Is that you?" Maybe it is me they are shouting on. I turn to see a prissy girl, blonde hair tied up in a bun, her floral skirt sitting just above her knee. The sterotypical rich girl, but I can't say I recognise her. I guess that's a good thing especially while Jenna is here too. The girl is smirking and I'm scared to find out why "You're back I see" She walked towards me and I stepped back a little "Yeah, just for the week" I was trying to think of who she was but I couldn't place her face to anything specific that I may or may not have done "You don't know who I am do you?" I shook my head a little and Jenna looked between us both not knowing what to do "Sam never told you did he?" My mind was circling everything Sam had ever told me and I came up blank once again "Told me what?" I tried to sound strong but instead it came out weak "Sam would come to me when you didn't give him what he needed" She was smirking again and I felt a little relieved but for an unknown reason, I also felt hurt, betrayed. Why would he go for someone like her? I never gave Sam what he wanted when he would come to my house in the middle of the night drunk off his ass and he always left but I never knew he cheated on me. He did worse to me but right now I was hurt once again by a boy who never cared about me "Why are you telling me this?" I didn't need to know this so why was she bringing it up "You slept with my boyfriend" She spat and I looked at Jenna who's eyes were wide at the scene unfolding in front of her "I didn't sleep with anyone's boyfriend! I had a boyfriend so why would I sleep with someone else's?" She laughed and walked towards me "This was before Sam! This was back when you were the slut who went to all the parties and just f*cked who would let you!" She basically screamed at me "I'm not to blame here! It was your stupid boyfriend who wanted it!" I shouted equally as loud and everyone stopped to stare at us "You ruined our relationship so I wanted to ruin yours" She was quiet again and I scoffed "Our relationship was already ruined princess" I spat and walked out of the shop leaving her standing in the shop. I heard Jenna scurrying behind me trying to catch up "How about we get some lunch?" Jenna asked hopefully and nodded "Yeah, I'm getting hungry" I smiled at her and she smiled back but not as enthusiastic as before.

*Luke's POV*

Chris and I have been playing FIFA the whole afternoon while Jenna's parents were finalising some wedding plans and Jacob was god knows where "How is Alex getting on in LA?" He asked suddenly and I nodded a little but remembered he couldn't see me "She's really good, yeah" Honestly I didn't know what to tell him or what Alex wanted him to know "You're looking after her right?" He asked again obviously trying to live up to the big brother role "Of course, but she can fend for herself she had been for six months before I met her" I reminded him and he nodded as well "How about we order a pizza?" He paused the game and looked over at me "Sounds like a good idea" I nodded and he left to call the pizza place.

I know I haven't updated in absolutelt ages but I have a very good reason. I had prelims and such on and I have had a lot of homework recently so I will try and update tomorrow night as well for you all. Thank you for being patient.

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