2. W H O ARE Y O U

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"Why don't you go get some lunch, while the doctor finishes your test?" Mom said, kissing my forehead. I obliged and limped towards the hospital lunch room.

It smelled like old people, and death. That made me sad, who can spend there whole day in there? I grabbed some chips from a vending machine, and sat down at a table. That's when I saw him again, but this time he was with another boy who looked just like him, probably his twin brother.

I tried to act casual by pulling out my phone, but some how my body sensed that he was looking at me. So I did what any girl who wanted to look cute in front of an even cuter boy, would do. I laughed? I was playing with my hair, but I felt a massive tangle so I stopped. Then, I retorted to giggling. I was told I had some cute dimples so I used it to my power.

I guess it worked because they sat at the table. I was blushing hard when I saw The Boys playing with their cute brown hair or there hands.

I was pretending to look through Instagram, when The boy from earlier's Twin lightly tapped me on the shoulder. "Hi, umm can I ask you a serious question please, my names Grayson by the way?" I shook my head yes, and answered with "Roni."

"Alright so Ethan thinks he's the cooler one, we even took lie detector tests to prove I'm way cooler, what do you think?"

I analyzed them. Taking in their style, and there hair. Grayson was wearing a plain white t-shirt, with black jeans, and white converse. His hair was slicked back, and his little earring was the highlight to his defined jawline. Ethan had a little stubble, and really plump lips, his whole look suited him perfectly.

"Well, I'm gonna have to go with Grayson." I said, smiling cheekily when Ethan tried to look shocked, but he just laughed. "It's cool." He said. I mouthed sorry, and continued to look at my phone.

"So, Roni..why are you here?" Grayson said. "I umm came for a check up." I said, pointing to my prosthetic leg. "Why are you?" Then I took a look at his arm, there was a black cast wrapped around it. "How?"I said. "Me, and Ethan were playing with wood swords, and I got the wood stuck in my arm, well a piece of it." I "ooh'd, and shook my head in disbelief. "What?" Ethan said.

"Just crazy, you guys look like the crazy types." Grayson and Ethan smiled at each other. "Now your turn". Ethan said pointing to my leg. "Umm car accident." I said. I didn't want to get into it further. "Come with us." Grayson said.

I stood up, but immediately fell down. "You okay?" Ethan said, kneeling down next to me. "Yeah, just forgot the leg acts up when I don't use it for a second." I said picking myself up.

He put out his hand for me too take, and I hesitantly took it. "Thanks." I said, a little blush growing on my face. "Welcome."

We walked over to the back room where they had a little arcade. "Where did they get this?" I said looking around at all the games they had. "Well we're not allowed to be here, but there not gonna come over yet." Ethan said immediately jumping on PAC man.

I looked over at all the games when my eyes fell on Tetris. I love this game.

35 minutes Later...

We were joking around walking down the hall way when a guard approached us. "You guys shouldn't be down here." He said, hesitantly reaching for his walkie-talkie.

Grayson and Ethan looked at each other and panicked. "I needed some space from everything, the world, existence, so they took me down here, sorry." I said, looking over at the police man with my famous pout face. "Alright, but first warning." He said.

"How did you do that?" Ethan said. I just shrugged my shoulders, and walked back over to the lunch tables.

For the rest of the time, we just talked about random things; likes/dislikes, crazy stuff that's happened  to us, the usual. But all I could think about was seeing them again. I'm not desperate or anything, but this is the first time I've ever really developed feels or something for boys about my age. "Umm Roni?" Ethan said waving his hand in my face.

"Oh I'm sorry, I timed out? I just saw this random lady swat at nothing, it was so random?" I said, trying to hide the blush growing on my cheeks. "Oh."

"Umm guys do you believe in inevitability?" I randomly said, putting my focus onto my hands. "Well, uhh kinda?" Ethan said. "Why?" Grayson asked. "I'm just thinking, it's inevitable that people will die...someday, or it's inevitable people will forget about someone." They probably think I'm weird.

"Well inevitably is just a word..it's what you make inevitable, is what's inevitable." Ethan said. I just looked at them. "See ya around Roni." They both said, standing up and walking away.

I didn't even get there numbers. How inevitable is that?

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