4. A C C I D E N T

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"What's going on?" Ethan said, giving me a small blanket. I kindly thanked him. And told him what happened with my mom yelling.

"Why was she yelling." Grayson added. I looked at him. Was it time. Tell them everything that happened. I thought for a second, before taking a deep breathe.

We sat there. They were in shock, and so was I. "I'm..I." Was all they could say. I felt my eyes water up, and that's when it all came out. "It was my fault guys, I did it to her, if I would of just continued to pay attention she'd be alive, meeting you guys." I cried, burying my hands into my face.

When I was almost calm I took off the synthetic leg. "This is my fault." I said touching at the thigh, that had scratches and permanent bruises on it, and was half gone...

I continued to cry, till I felt Grayson's hand on my shoulder, and 2 hands cup my face. I looked up, and saw Ethan looking at me intently. "One things inevitable, you met us for a reason." I weakly smiled, and gave into a huge group hug. Ethan and Grayson holding onto me felt right.


We were driving towards the beach, and Grayson was still blasting his rap music, while me and Ethan danced to the beat. "Alright so this is first on the list for perfect summer vacation." Ethan yelled out, slipping on his black glasses.

I yelled in excitement, and looked out the window, at all the pretty palm trees flying past us.

Also to catch you up on things, mom was emitted into group therapy, she'd been holding onto all that anger, she needed time to help herself. So I was staying in the house, by myself. Taking on a easy job to get me by.

Ethan and Grayson stayed, and helped me. They also promised me that I'd be truly happy again, and they'd do that all during my summer vacation.


When we arrived, we took out all the blankets and made a pallet on the soft beach floor. I was still wearing my synthetic leg, so I had to limp over to the water, just to sit down. "Why don't you take that off and will help you." Ethan said, pointing to my fake leg. I slightly nodded, and took it off.

Grayson and Ethan took both my arms, and carried me into the water. The light waves brushing against my skin felt so right.

"Amazing." I whispered. "Let go." I said hesitantly and they slowly released me. But that turned out to be a horrible idea because I just fell into the water.

"You okay." Grayson laughed picking me up. I just smiled at him. "Yeah." I whispered, wiping the salty water off my face.

We played around, dancing, eating more gains bowls and laughing. But me, I got to enjoy the little moments with them. Like how when they smile, they're smiles can make anyone smile. "Thanks guy." I said. They both said your welcome, and for the rest of the time we just looked at the beautiful sunset...

Arriving Home-
When they dropped me off I thanked them, and waved them off. This last couple of months, has been a blur. Me, and the twins have been connecting, and I've grown to trust them.

I grab the last can of original Pringles, and scroll the the series eventually falling on 13 reasons why..

"No stop." I cried, when the 6th episode ended. I turned it off, and went on my phone.

@LifeStruggles tweeted: Just watch 6 episodes of 13 reasons why..I'm crying!!

I took off my prosthetic leg, and hopped all the way towards my room. Laying on the comfortable bed. Enjoying the peaceful silence, that's till I heard a knock at the door. I silently stood up, and grabbed my crutches. When I got to the door I looked through the peep hole and saw Ethan and Grayson?

I opened it, and looked at them puzzled, and confused. "What are you guys doing here?" I said, gesturing for them to come inside. "Well we decided to have a horror fest, but since your like our bestfriend and we promised to make this your best summer we thought you'd join?" Ethan said. "I don't know guys?" I said hesitantly shaking my head. "We bought snacks." Grayson said holding up the bag of candy. "Let's get started." I laughed "walking" over to the living room, and sitting down while Grayson went through channels.

"Insidious?" Ethan smiled mischievously, "No." I said. "Nothing demonic." I finished my sentence. They said okay, and we just ended up watching a slasher flick.

Throughout the movie I would get a little scared so I cautiously found myself scooting towards the pillows. That's when the most terrifying pop-out happened, and I hopped into Ethan's arms. "I'm scared." I said, getting off him. Why did i do that? And why did he hold on?

"We'll protect you." Grayson smiled, taking my little hand into his. I blushed a little and tightened it. Then I felt Ethan's hand slide into mine, and I also tightened it. I couldn't help but smile crazily to myself, and continue watching the movie. Cliche..

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