20. I n L o v e

421 11 12

Ronis POV

I woke up next to Ethan, in the foam pit at the warehouse. His arm was snaked around my waste, and my whole leg was on his.

I smiled, remembering the dream i just had. It's crazy knowing me, and Grayson are in love, in the other world? Or should I say other reality, because it feels to real.

Ethan started shuffling in his sleep, and that bought me back to the time me and him were messing with each other and would always sleep next to each other.

I slowly leaned in and softly placed my lips on his. At first he jolted, but he kissed back; eyes still closed..

"I haven't brushed my teeth
this morning." He said in his groggy voice. "I don't care."

I slowly leaned in again, and we went back to kissing. This was our moment, nothing can take it away.

Well, Grayson did; he jumped on us in the pit. "Nessa called on your phone Roni, she's coming here..." I was a little confused, "How is she coming here? And how did she know to come here?"

"I'm picking her up, and i told her we're here..." I nodded my head, and went back to snuggling Ethan.

"Are you guys like a thing?" Grayson smiled, i just blushed and looked over at Ethan. "We don't no yet?" Ethan said, a cute grin on his face."But will find out soon." He smiled, placing a small kiss on my forehead.

Grayson shrugged his shoulders and got out the foam pit. "Why don't we chill tonight." I said hoping i didn't sound clingy. "Oh i'm so sorry I promised Nate and Alex i'd hang with them.."

"Oh okay, yeah i need to go to the doctors and get a leg check up anyways." I lightly punched him in the shoulder and stood up, walking towards the stairs that led out of the foam pit.

"Hey Ethan?" "Yeah." "Next time." He nodded his head, and I walked out the room, blushing like crazy....


I waited outside, shuffling with the papers, the doctor gave me.

I took one more look at the time, and sighed in annoyance as another minute went by. After 15 minutes I grew impatient and stood up, ready to leave when I saw his jeep pull up.

"Sorry, I had to...do something." he smirked patting the seat next to him.  I shook my head, and sat in the back.

At first he was confused but he quickly remembered what happened and grinned before driving off.


"What's taking it so long?" I said, looking out the window, to see exactly where we were. "This looks like the beach?" I questioned.

"It is..." He parked into a designated lot, and got out the door, walking towards mine.

"Thanks." I blushed, walking past him, as he opened my door. "Woah."

"Did you do this for..." I looked in awe, at the scenery before me. Wooden sticks held up lights, and baskets; there were pillows scattered around, and the beautiful, calm ocean was the highlight view.

"Do you like it?" Grayson smiled, "It's amazing."

I felt a lonely tear fall from my eyes as I stared in amazement. Grayson slowly reached over and wiped it off with his thumb. "Don't cry." He whispered. "Okay."

Then out of nowhere, I felt something warm, and big grasp my hand, taking me towards the picnic. "Thank you." "I thought you needed it, you've been through a lot."

"Grayson, I couldn't ask for more...i'm so grateful and i appreciate it."

"Your welcome, now dig in i made pie!" I felt a smile tugging at my lips, so i gave in. "Wow."

"What." "You have the most beautiful smile, and your dimples." I blushed, and hid my face in my hands.

"Stop hiding." He said, tickling me. I started laughing so hard my face turned a bright red. "Stop, Stop please."

He eventually let go, and held my little face in his hands. "What?"

"Nothing, just this is..cool." "Yeah." He slowly leaned in, and I took that as the opportunity to try and tickle him back.

He opened his eyes confused. "What was that?" "I was trying to tickle you." "Well, i don't think it worked."

We both laughed.

After a minute of calming down we sat up, and ate our food, talking amongst each other.

"Tell me about yourself Grayson?" "Okay, I like the color green, my favorite foods are pineapple pizza, and pancakes..I like skateboarding and surfing, and my 2 favorite places are Hawaii, and Jersey."

"Jersey?" "Yeah, that's my hometown." "Really so you have a twin, and older siblings or younger?"

"Older, her names Cameron." "Oh, I think I met her.." "Yeah, she went back home, she's still in college.."

"Oh okay.." I took another bite from the cold pizza, and looked back up at him. "Have you ever dreamt of something, and it seemed so real you didn't want it to end.."

"Yeah, a lot.." "Yeah, Roni use to say she never did that..but I don't know.." "Ethan, does it all the time..once he even cried cause he had a really bad dream and it felt real."

"Aww." "Yeah, I had to sleep with him that night." "Your so sweet for that Gray..I mean Grayson."

"No it's cool, you can call me Gray." I blushed a little, tucking a strand hair behind my ear. "Cool, and you can call me Nes..only special people call me that.." "Cool."

The whole night we talked, and cuddled looking up at the beautiful night sky...




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