17. A N D R E

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Grayson and Ethan dropped us off after a perfect night out. "Why are you blushing so hard?" "I don't know Nessa..it was a good night."

"Wasn't it." I smiled, throwing my keys on the counter and falling on the couch. "Alright you talk about it first."

"Okay, so Grayson is just..the best, he treated me perfectly." "Yeah, but?" "He wouldn't stop staring at you." "What?"

"Yeah." She paused for a second fiddling with her rings. "Nessa, i think he likes you?" "No..he doesn't, obviously he likes you." "You like Ethan."

"Yeah, we had this moment, and this feeling i've never felt before was rushing through my bones and veins, i think i'm in love."

"Oh." She slowly nodded her head, and stood up walking out the room.

"Roni, what's wrong?" "I felt the same exact way with Grayson.." "Then, why are you crying." I walked over to her, and picked up her face with my hands.

"Because i don't think he feels the same way?"

She ran out the room, and slammed her door.

Nessa: Hey Gray u up?

Graysun: Yeah, what's up?

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