3. M E E T M E

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It's been 1 week, and all I talked to was the twins. I ended up finding their instagram, and asking for their numbers, and after getting them all i did was text them at school, and non stopped group called them on Skype. Today I was so happy I decided to get out the house. So I walked to the nearest place and ordered a pineapple pizza.

I took a big bite out of my pizza when 2 people wrapped there arms around me. I yelped in fear, but soon realized who's giant hands those belonged to. "Ethan." I yelled, choking on my food. "Eww." He said, when crumbs dropped from my lip. "Stop." I laughed, wiping my face and throwing away the napkin in the garbage can next to me. "What are you guys doing here, it's been like a week since I've seen you in person?" I said, wiping my face off.

"We just so happened to see you, this is our favorite Pizzeria." Ethan said taking a bite from my pizza. "Hey that's Pineapple, don't touch." I laughed taking it from his hands.

"What brings you here?" Grayson said, tightening his jacket as the wind kicked in. "Well we live a block from here, and I thought why not get out a little more."

They shook there head in agreement, and looked up at the sky. "Rain clouds." Grayson said. I looked up, and saw dark grey clouds covering the sun. "We'd better go."

I shook my head, and packed the 2 slices of pizza away stuffing it in my bag for later tightening my leg to help me walk a little faster. As I was walking I felt a raindrop hit the tip of my nose. "Need a ride." Ethan said. "Yes please."

As we hopped in there truck I sat in the middle of them. "Thanks guys." I said, putting my hair up into a ponytail.

"No problem, we actually need to stop by some place do you mind coming." Grayson said, I just agreed , and sat along for the ride.

While he was driving, Ethan turned on some Kendrick Lamar and we were dancing along to the beat. I couldn't stop laughing when Ethan would dab. "Your "killing" it." I said, and he thanked me but I actually meant he was killing it.

"Were here." Grayson said, arriving at this huge building. "What is this place." I said, getting out the car and hurriedly limping over to the entrance.

When we entered I was greeted by a very simple breeze. "Hmmm." I sighed taking in the fresh smell. "How did you guys get this?" I said limping around.  "Were YouTubers, and recent Viners so we used that money to get this." Grayson said. "What's your channel?"

"The Dolan Twins." I nodded my head, "Merrell Twins." I whispered. "What?" Ethan asked, looking a bit confused. "Nothing." I said.

They showed me a tour of the warehouse, and we even played around with the zip line. "This is awesome." I said sitting back in the foam pit.

"You know what else is awesome." Ethan said, scooting closer to me. "What?" I said, looking over at him.
"You, you have this good energy..it's pretty cool."

If only...


The whole time we just hung around, and ate gains bowls. After that remark Ethan made all I could think about was them. And it sucks cause I like both of them. I hate the universe

Me: Hey Eth...
Eth🖤: Hey Ron..

Me: Hey Gray...
Gray♥️: Hey Ronica..

I smiled. Life is so weird, and amazing. I just laid back in my pillow and went onto YouTube watching there channel. I laugh cried most of the time. They were funny, and energetic, and sweet. They obviously cared about there fans, because they'd stay up for hours putting effort into the videos they made.

LifeStruggles: Amazing people out there...they work..they care..I love them for that💓

After I tweeted that I went to see what my mom was doing. And like usual she was crying.

Dad left when sister was diagnosed, and he hadn't been back since. The last thing I remember him saying was "I'll be back at 9." But he never came back. Mom crys herself everyday to sleep. "Mom." I said, letting a tear fall from my eye. "Honey it's dinner, umm I made salad." She said, wiping her face off and giving me the plate. "I'm not hungry." I said, walking away towards the bathroom.

All I heard was her cries turn into screams. She feels bad, but she's so angry there's nothing much i can do. Then I heard glass shatter.

"YOUR FATHER LEFT! YOUR SISTER LEFT, YOR NOT LEAVING ME! OH WHY ME AHH WHY ME!" She kept shouting, I couldn't take it. Her blood curdling scream filled my ears, and I couldn't take it. So I packed a few things, and grabbed my phone.

Me: Where are you guys??
Eth🖤: At the Warehouse why??
Me: I'm coming...
Eth🖤: Okay..you okay??

I hopped out the window, and limped towards mothers car. "Shoot the keys." I grunted, tying my now wet hair up.

I limped back inside and walked towards her room, grabbing the keys off her dresser. "Where are you going." Mother yelled, getting up and coming towards me, I just limped to my room, and out the window. "NOOO NOT YOU TOO." Mother screamed, trying her best to get out the window. But she couldn't.

I started the car and drove as far away as I could before crying. "Good thing she doesn't work." I thought, as I blasted the radio.

I came up to the warehouse, and hopped out the car with my bags limping towards the door. I pounded on it and waited a second.

A shirtless Grayson came to the door, and looked at me. "Hi." I said, falling into his chest.

I just cried into his chest before finally finding the strength to stop. "What's wrong?" Grayson said rubbing his eyes.

"A lot."

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