7. H O M Ê A G Į A N

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That night all i could think about was what Cameron said. I would never hurt them? Why would she think that? Have they been hurt before? I laid restless that night, and tried to let that thought drift my mind.


I woke up and turned over to see Ethan laying next to me, and Grayson on the bottom of the bed. When did they come in here? And why are they in here?

I continued to look at Grayson, his mouth slightly parted as his chest sank in and went out. "Hmm." i sat back in the pillow and turned to look at Ethan's face a little more. I want to kiss that lip so bad.

His arm flung around my waste, and he pulled me in a bit, making there little space between us. I smiled a little, and quietly said "Ethan." To see if he was awake but he wasn't? I wish this could be everyday...

But, maybe he's dreaming about snuggling or he thinks he's hugging his pillow, I thought getting comfortable in his arm. After 5 minutes of looking at him, the alarm went off on my phone. "Crap." i whispered hurriedly trying to turn it off, but by then Grayson was up.

"Hey Roni.." he smiled, grabbing his phone off the floor and getting on it. "Hey Gray." i smiled, doing the same thing. "How was your sleep?"He asked. "It was good, so uhh what are we doing today?" How come he's not explaining why their in here?

"Well me and Eth were gonna go to the mall..cameron was going to see a childhood friend." "What about your mom?" "Someones coming to visit her today, so she asked to be alone."

I shook my head and whispered okay. "Hey what's your sister look like?" Grayson asked turning to me.  I looked at him, and bit my lip a little. "Well, she looks like me."

"Do you have a picture?" "Yeah." "Can i see please?" I shook my head yes, and went onto my instagram.

He just looked at her and smiled, occasionally looking at me

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He just looked at her and smiled, occasionally looking at me. "You guys would be perfect." i said scrolling through different pictures.


I turned off my phone, and scratched my head a little. "What's wrong with Ethan, why does he sleep so long?" "We went to sleep at 4:05." He rubbed his eyes. "Really." I laughed shaking my head in disbelief.

His hand brushed against mine, and I blushed immediately. I guess he knew cause he was blushing too. "Gray I.." Then Ethan woke up. He groaned and started stretching his arms a little. "Morning." He said in a hoarse voice. "Haha nice morning voice." I said, laying myself up on the bed.

I stretched and put my one foot on the floor. "Another day." i smiled, hopping over to my crutches.

I turned around and looked over at Ethan and Grayson..they were just staring. That's when i realized, i'm not wearing pants. "Uhhh."

I never sleep with pants. I usually just sleep in my underwear. "Throw me my pants." I said dropping my crutches in panic. Hoping around for my pants, but my hopping stopped when i slipped on a piece of paper and fell to the floor. "That hurt." i laughed, using my arms to pick my body up.

They finally snapped out of it, and ran over to me, helping me up. "Thanks." i smiled weakly and reached for my pajama shorts. "There we go." i smiled slipping them on. "What are you guys looking at, i know my nubby leg looks funny." I snickered. "It's just...uhh nothing." Ethan smiled.


I watched Ethan and Grayson eat their pancakes. Cameron just looked at us, and shook her head. "You guys see a ghost?" We all shook our heads and continued eating. They saw something worse..."So cameron how was your night?" I said trying to brake the awkward silence.

"It was good, nice sleep." We all nodded our heads, and continued eating.


"We're gonna go to the mall, are you coming?" Grayson said walking into the room i was in. "Yes." i answered. I stood up and limped over to my luggage, taking out a plain black t-shirt and blue jeans. "Umm about earlier, i'm really sorry." "No, it's our faults we saw a big black widow in Ethan's room, and Cam was in our room, the living room was cold so we kinda slept in your room." I nodded my head slowly, and bit my lip. "Well, I hope my legs didn't look funny." "They didn't.."

I smiled as my cheeks grew warm, and red, Grayson smiled to. "I'm gonna get ready."

He walked out the room, lightly shutting the door. "Why does it have to be two of them...it would of been nice if Nessa was here."

"I am here." I turned my head around looking to see where the voice came from..."I'm here dumby." I whipped my head around, and standing in front of me was Nessa? I screeched falling back to the floor, shocked at what my eyes were staring at. "Nessa." I whispered. "Look, I know im dead but you don't have to act like you've seen a ghost." "Are you a ghost?" "No, i'm just a figment of your imagination, you think you see me, but it's just your brain making you believe i'm here."

"Nessa, I-I miss you." I sobbed jumping up to hug her, she felt so soft and warm in my hands. "Your here." "No.."

"Umm Roni?" Ethan said, opening the door. I turned to look at him, and back at where my sister was..she was gone. I put my hands over my face, and let the tears fall. "She was here." I sobbed. Ethan put his hand on my bare shoulder, and slowly turned me around. "I saw her."

He brushed the loose hairs off my face, and cupped my cheeks. "You okay?" He whispered. I sighed for a second. "Yes."



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