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Captain America: The Winter Soldier

Elias ran down the alley, panic in her and her chest hurting.

"I'm trying to have a coffee and what happens? The Winter Soldier is sent to kill me! Just what I need, Hydra...THANKS!!!" She screamed the last part as she dodged a bullet.

Elias turned a corner and started to climb up the escape ladders. She stumbled into her apartment, leaning against the wall and panting heavily. Sweat rolled down her forehead as the pain in her chest became more intense.

"What's the rush, Elli?"

The woman smirked as she wiped her sweaty forehead with her sleeve. "Romanoff, you know I hate that nickname."

The redhead smirked and walked up to Elias, noticing her cut lip and the big bruise on her cheek. Elias grinned tiredly at her.

"He went after you again?" Natasha asked.

"Yep. This is the fifth time this week."

Elias stepped past Natasha and walked into her small kitchen. She grabbed an icepack from her fridge and leaned against the counter.

"How was the mission?" Elias asked Natasha.

"Fine. Cap went ballistic when he found out about the objective Fury gave me."

Elias smirked. "Sounds like him."

"Yeah. He was pretty frustrated."

Elias smirked. "Remember last time when I dislocated my knee and I told him since I have enhanced healing factors, I heal faster?"

"Oh yeah. And the time where you fractured your collarbone?"

The two women laughed at the memories of Cap's sudden bursts of worry, Elias smirking at other memories when he would get angered.

"Well, I need to get back to the Triskelion. I'll see you later, Elli."

"Elias." Elias corrected and hugged Natasha.

Natasha smiled at her and walked out of her apartment.

Elias went into her room and laid on her bed. Ever since she escaped HYDRA, it's been hell for her. Dodging police, escaping each Winter Soldier assault, gathering info on HYDRA. It's pretty hard. Elias wondered what the rest of SHIELD thought of her. After all, she is a former HYDRA Agent.

She remembered when she met Natasha. The redhead was a bit edgy on trusting her. Elias didn't blame her. But when Natasha saw she was trying to wipe the blood off her hands, she trusted Elias and offered her friendship to her.

Elias's phone rang, snapping her out of her thoughts. She picked it up and answered it.


"Miss Crimson, please go down to the car garage. If you don't cooperate, I have snipers on every block ready to shoot on my command."

Elias froze as she realized who this was. "Hydra"

"Do as I said, Crimson. And you know who it is."

Elias hung up and grabbed her backpack full of clothes, supplies, and weapons. She wasn't going to let HYDRA take her away with them that easily.

She went out of the window and started climbing down the escape ladders. When she got down, men in black suits approached her. She saw the HYDRA pins on their coats.

"Hello, Deere." Elias greeted the head agent.

"Agent Crimson, you're to come with us. If you don't, all the snipers have a command." Agent Deere held up a phone to show Elias the command.

"So, which will it be? Die or surrender?"

Elias smirked. "Neither."

She sprinted away from them but was shot in the process. She managed to get a few blocks before hunching over in pain.

"Goddamn!" Elias groaned as she held her bleeding side. She stumbled down the alley, leaning against the wall.

"Why does it have to be a Tuesday?"

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