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"So, where exactly are we going?"

Elias limped beside Bucky as they walked down a back alley. It was 2:30am and Elias was getting tired.

"I have a place. The guy that let me stay said that I had to tell him all of my assassinations stories in return for protection and secrecy."

"He seems nice (note sarcasm). You sure you can trust him though?" Elias asked.

"I don't know. If he ends up selling me out, we can find someplace that's abandoned and stay there."

Elias nodded and the two went silent. Bucky looked down and noticed they were holding hands. She looked down and saw their hands. She was about to let go but Bucky tightened his grip, indicating he didn't mind. Elias smiled a little and sighed.

"You know Steve will be looking for you." Elias says after awhile.

"I know, but it's best if he doesn't find me. I'm dangerous."

Elias nudged his shoulder. "At least you won't be alone."

Bucky smiled a little. "Yeah, that's one good thing."

Elias thought about Steve. She knew that the man would look everywhere for her. She pushed the thought away. She couldn't think about that now. She had Bucky who needed help.

Bucky walked toward a building but stopped dead in his tracks.

"What?" Elias asked.

"Get on my back."

"There he is!" A gruff voice shouted and gunshots went off.

In a swift motion, Bucky picked Elias up bridal style then ran. Gunshots peppered the walls of nearby buildings and hit the pavement around Bucky.

"Elias, I need you to run! Run as fast as you can!" Bucky set her down, making sure to not hurt her leg. "Take this. I have a gun in my bag." He handed her a dagger and sprinted away, drawing the attention away from Elias. The woman turned and started to run. Her leg and abdomen burned with pain as she ran.

"Broken arm, wounded leg, bullet wound in my stomach area, every part of my body is bruised, just great." Elias said sarcastically as she ran around a corner, but it was a dead end.

"Shit." She said and looked for a fire escape on the buildings.

"ELIAS!!!" She heard Bucky shout.

He ran around the corner clutching his arm with his metal hand. Blood dripped onto the ground as he ran to her.

"James!" Elias limped to him and looked at his arm.

"He went this way!" A man yelled.

She recognized the voice as Agent Lancaster.

"Get against the wall!" She ordered and pushed him to the wall. Bucky started to blush a little when he saw how close she was to him.

"Now this is going to feel weird, but bear with me." Elias touched his forehead with her two fingers.

"What're you doing?"

"Transferring my abilities to you."

Bucky nodded unsurely. He then felt a weird tingly feeling in his body. He looked down and saw that he blended in perfectly with the wall. Even his clothes were the same as the wall.

"Where'd he go?! He just disappeared?!" Hydra Agents came around the corner, guns drawn and scanning the area.

Bucky stood stark still as a flashlight was shined on him.

"We should–" the man was cut off when his neck started bleeding. He dropped to the ground dead. The others got in a tight group, looking for the invisible threat.

"Over here!" Elias's taunting voice rang out. Bucky saw a shape move and tackle an agent, stabbing his chest then moving on to the next agent. When the agents were dead or scrambling away, Elias became visible and walked over to Bucky, touching his forehead and making him visible.

"Remind me to not get on your bad side." Bucky says as he looked at the three dead agents.

Elias smirked and glanced down at the blood covered dagger. Blood covered her hand and a little was on her sweatshirt.

"You'll never be on my bad side. Unless you piss me off, then you'll temporarily be on my bad side." Elias says with a tired grin.

Bucky smirked a little, his metal hand still clutching his arm.

"Let's get you patched up." Elias grabbed his arm gently and made him follow her.

SAVING GRACE | bucky barnes ✔️Where stories live. Discover now