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Elias chased after Spiderman, yelling in Austrian.

"Sorry, Harpy, but—"

"If you haven't noticed, there isn't this much talking in fights." Elias took a swing with her claws at Spiderman.

He dodged her swing and shot web at her face again. She cursed loudly and struggled with the web. James and Sam came to her defense and fought off Spiderman.

"Whoa! You have a metal arm?! That's so cool!" Spiderman exclaimed.

James stood there in shock as the kid rambled on.

He's just a kid. Who the hell brought a kid into this? James thought as Spiderman was cut off by Sam tackling him. He shook his head from his thoughts and ran to Elias

"You okay, Elyzia?" James peeled the web off her face.

"Yeah." She smiles at him before gesturing for him to follow her. Web was shot at them again, one shot hitting James. He was then yanked off the balcony by Spiderman.

"You little bastard." Elias growled and charged him.

"Uh oh! Um, Mr Stark! HELP!!" Spiderman yelled loudly as Elias pursued after him.

The next thing she knew, she got another face full of web and fell beside James and Sam who had webs on them. Sam used Red Wing to ram into Spiderman and fly him out the window.

"You couldn't've done that earlier?" James grumbled.

"I hate you." Sam says.

"Guys we need to go! Elias, I need you to get Bucky out here!" Steve yelled into the comm.

Elias turned to James and helped him up.

"Sam, cover us."

Elias fought long and hard against Rhodey. Her knuckles were bruised and bleeding.

"Elias, come on! Get to the jet!" James's voice rang in her ear.

"I'm sorry, James. I can't." Elias says as she saw the Black Panther chasing after Steve and James.

"Not everyone is gonna make it, Cap." Clint says.

"Yeah, we knew what was going to happen." Scott says.

Elias shoved Rhodey away and went after Black Panther.

"Here, kitty!" Elias shouted.

He stopped and faced her, glaring at her from under his helmet. He swung his claws at her, barely missing her arm.

"Let them go! Please!" Elias begged before the Vision barreled into her. She flew into a shipping container. She gasped for air and clutched her stomach.

"Damn that one's strong." She wheezed and stood to her feet. She made herself blend in with everything but was quickly shot at by Rhodey. Elias dodged each bullet and tackled War Machine. Vision shot his energy in Elias's direction. She froze in place, her features turning back to normal. She held her side where the energy grazed her.

"Guys! I have an idea. It might tear me in half, but..." Scott shouted as he was fighting off Iron Man.

"He's gonna tear himself in half?" James says in confusion as Scott grew to be at least twenty feet tall.

"Nice, Scotty Boy." Elias says with a grin as she watched him.

"Elias!" Sam shouted as he barreled into Elias before Vision hit her again with a beam of energy. He flew off, Iron Man and Rhodey following after him.

Elias laid there, hearing Spiderman yell that he could go on longer, but stopped when his side had a searing pain in it. He yelped when he saw Elias lying a few feet from him.

"I'm not gonna hurt ya kid. Not yet at least." Elias says with a smirk.

"You gave up?" He asked.

"I'm too injured. An injury like this is going to take weeks to heal. And if I tried fighting, it would hurt like hell. Although, I did run after getting shot in my leg." Elias glanced down at her burned hip, the burned flesh bleeding, dark brown, and blistered.

"What's the name, Spiderboy?" She asked.

"Peter. But don't tell anyone about this. I don't need someone knowing that! Especially my aunt. Aunt May would go ballistic if she found out."

"Alright, alright." Elias turned her head and saw government cars pull up, grabbing all of the remaining members of Cap's team. Peter left in a hurry as Elias was carried into the van.

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