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"CAP, DUCK!!!"

Elias threw a grenade at a squad of Hydra agents as she dodged bullets. Steve jumped in front of her, shielding her with his shield.

"We need to get to the helicarriers!" Elias yelled over the guns firing and grenades exploding.

"You get up there! I'll be right behind you!" Steve says to Elias. "Sam, catch Elias!"

"Who?" Sam asked with confusion.

"You'll see her!" Steve shouted into his comm.

Elias sprinted to the edge of the building and jumped off. Sam flew after her, wrapping his arms around her waist and flying up to the helicarrier.

"Here. Take this and replace it with the second chip in the second row." Sam hands her a data chip and flew off to help Steve. Elias ran up a flight of stairs and went to the main forum, opening it and sticking the chip in. She then stood there, pursing her lips and running a hand through her hair.

"Now how am I going to get out?" Elias sighed in annoyance. "Great, now I'm stuck."

But an idea came into her head. It would be painful, but it'll do.

"Alright, please let me fly." She willed her abilities to create giant, eight-foot golden eagle wings.

"There we–AH!" She fell to her knees, pain emitting from her back. "Just this once!"

Elias dove out of the carrier. She spotted Steve in the last one, but the Winter Soldier was near him.

"Steve!!" She shouted and flew into the helicarrier.

Steve glanced over to her, only causing him to get attacked by Winter.

"Son of a bitch!" Elias cursed in Austrian as she watched the whole thing happen.

She ran up the stairs and tackled the soldier, the two getting into a heated fist fight.

"Steve, go!" Elias ordered as Winter slammed her face against the railing. With her vision blurry and nose bleeding, she heard a gunshot go off. Elias saw Steve crumple to the ground, gasping and struggling to stand.

"No! Steve!" Elias stumbled up, only to get a knife in her thigh. She screamed in pain but didn't back down.

The woman threw a punch at the soldier who caught her wrist with his metal hand. He squeezed it until a sickening crack was heard.

"I'm sorry, Soldier." Elias had tears streaming down her face.

He hesitated for a moment. Steve took that chance to tackle him. Everything around them started to explode and catch on fire. Elias fell with them, landing on the glass and cracking it. She stood up and made her way toward the two super soldiers.

"Soldier, stand down," Elias ordered, only to get a bullet in her abdomen.

"Elias!" Steve screamed as she collapsed onto one knee.

"Soldier, your James Buchanan Barnes." She gasped out. "You need to remember Steve!"

She saw Steve staring at her with disbelief and betrayal. She didn't blame him if he didn't want her as a friend after this.

"You're friends...with...with Steve" Bucky threw a punch at her, causing her to fall onto her back.

It was Steve's turn to speak.

"You know me, Bucky." He says to the soldier. Steve let go of his shield, the circular disc going down into the Potomac River.

"No, I DON'T!!" He screamed and backhanded Steve.

Elias stood up and approached the two men weakly.

"Yes, you do, Barnes." She breathed. "Remember!"

Bucky turned in her direction, conflict in his eyes.

"Shut. UP!"

He punched her again, this time in her bullet wound. She stumbled back and fell against the glass, watching as Steve got punched multiple, his helmet coming off in the process.

"You're my mission!" Bucky seethed, raising his metal hand for the finishing blow.

An explosion cracked the glass beneath Elias. Before it broke and sent her falling, she heard Steve's calm, strained voice.

"Then finish it. Because...I'm with you till the end of the line."

Elias's body gave way and she plunged straight into the Potomac, darkness enveloping her.

SAVING GRACE | bucky barnes ✔️Where stories live. Discover now