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Elias jumped out of the kitchen window, falling onto a dumpster and hurting herself even more.

"Dammit!" She grumbled as blood seeped through the bandages. 

She looked up to see the Winter Soldier glaring down at her. Stumbling to her feet, she started running down the alley, the Winter Soldier following her as she ran into an abandoned building. She ran and hid in a locker against the wall, leaving the door slightly open.

The Soldier came in, gun drawn and eyes cold and lifeless. Elias held her breath as she saw him walk past the door, his steps echoing and his breathing slow and menacing. When his steps faded, Elias let out the breath she held. But it was short lived as the ripped the door off and the Soldier grabbed Elias by the neck, slamming her against the wall.

"Winter! Stop!" She yelled before gasping deeply.

"Please... Barnes....." She started to go unconscious, but she noticed his grip loosen before going into darkness.

+  +  +

Something in the Winter Soldier held him back from killing the traitor. He was given orders to kill her, but there was something about her that told him she was sorry for what she did to him. Something about her told him she was trying to do right.

She called me Barnes...

The Winter Soldier let go of the woman's neck.

"Just this once, Crimson." He says in German and picks her up. He slung her over his shoulder then sprinted out of the building.

+  +  +

Elias woke up in her apartment, confused and in pain. She noticed her window was open and there were boot prints on her carpet. She hastily closed the window then went to her house phone, dialing Steve's number.

"Elias!" Steve exclaimed with worry.

"I'm okay, Steven. Where are you?"

"Hospital. Fury was shot by the Winter Soldier. The weird thing is that he caught my shield."

"Well, he's a super soldier. He has the same abilities as you." Elias stated and went into her bathroom. She looked at her reflection.

Man, I'm a hot mess. She thought to herself

"Is Fury okay?" Elias asked a few moments later.

Silence met her, then a shaky breath.

"He's dead," Steve replied shortly.

Elias stared at her reflection. "I'm sorry, Steve. But if you ever need help, I'm free."

"Thanks, Eli," Steve says before hanging up.

Elias put the phone on the counter and looked at her bullet wound bandages. There was blood seeping through.

"Now, to figure out what these numbers mean..." Elias mumbled as she took out the ring she stole from Sage's place. It was a plain, silver ring but it had the numbers 12-1984.

+  +  +

How is the story so far? Something good? Something bad? Bit of both? I hope it's not bad:/

But I do hope you guys are enjoying it:)

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