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"Sir, she's waking up."

"Strap her down."

Elias's eyes shot open as she felt restraints getting put over her wrists. Her eyes darted back and forth between Rumlow, Pierce, and Agent Lancaster, her chest rising and falling quickly in anxiety. She looked down and saw she was only wearing a black sports bra and black shorts. She was barefooted and her hair was down.

"Calm yourself, Elias. We just need some information."

"Where's Winter?" She asked, glancing around the room.

"He's on a mission," Pierce answers. "Now, Agent Crimson, tell us everything you know, or we will hurt you."

"Screw you!" She spat in his face.

Pierce glanced over to Lancaster, who grabbed a taser and shoved it in her side. Elias screamed as the volts traveled up her body. When Lancaster backed away, Elias glared daggers at Pierce. Rumlow looked away, not wanting to look as she was being electrocuted.

"Screw you!" She choked out.

Lancaster stuck the taser against her, making Elias scream again. The agents in the room grew uneasy as they saw Elias's eyes change from gray to a golden white.

"The more you refuse, the more Lancaster will taser you. Now, tell me about Sage. Did she tell you about December 8, 1984?"

Elias became uneasy as she remembered the woman.

"No. But that's none of my business so SCREW THE HELL OFF!" Elias growled only to get tased by Lancaster again.

"Just be glad that Agent Grant Ward isn't here right now. He isn't as soft as Agent David Lancaster."

"I've had worse! You should know that!"

Pierce smirked. "Then we'll give you worse."

Lancaster grabbed a blowtorch and approached Elias. He grabbed her head and leaned it sideways, placing the blowtorch near her neck. Elias started to breathe heavily again.

"Now, tell me what Sage told you."

"She didn't tell me anything, I swear!" Elias shouted.

"She didn't mention December 1984?"

Elias glared at Pierce. "What's it got to do with me? All I know is that I turned 5 years old that year!"

Pierce grinned evilly. "And what else?"

Elias paled instantly, remembering the one event that made her vengeful, distant, and cold-hearted at a young age. That day she dreaded every year.

David let go of her but kept the torch near her as she spoke those four words.....

"My parents were assassinated."

SAVING GRACE | bucky barnes ✔️Where stories live. Discover now