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Elias woke up in the middle of night, drenched in a cold sweat and breathing heavily.

What was that dream?! So many needles....and electricity! It was like I was being tortured!

Elias wiped the tears that were streaming down her face. She wanted the comfort of someone, but she didn't want it from Steve, Clint, Sam, or Scott. She wanted it from a specific person.

James, a voice says in her head.

But I don't even know him. Or do I?

Elias pulled the covers off of her and stood up, pulling on her shorts then walking out of the room. She walked down the hall, her bare feet barely making noise on the carpet.

I wonder who I can go to so I can learn more about who James is. Maybe Sam? No, he didn't really show any affection toward James. Clint? No, I heard he just met the guy. Scott? Nope, barely knows him. So that leaves....

"Steve. Steve will know. And maybe he can tell me about, well, me."

Elias ran down the hall and turned to Steve's room. She softly knocked on the door, waiting for an answer. When she heard a muffled hum, she opened the door and saw Steve still sleeping.

"Steve." She whisper shouted as she quietly closed his door.

A snore answered her as she slowly approached him.

"Steve!" She whisper shouted again.

Another snore.

"Steve." She says in a quiet voice.

She stirred a little and turned to look in her direction.

"Elias?" He says groggily.

"Sorry to wake you up, but I couldn't sleep."

Dammit! That's not what I meant! Well, I mean, I can't sleep, but now I just sound like a needy child.

"You can sleep in here...if you want." He added the last part quickly.

Elias nodded and slowly walked over to his bed. She climbed in and covered herself with the sheets.


"Hm?" He was falling back to sleep.

"Can you tell me anything about James? Besides him being the Winter Soldier."

Steve opened his eyes a little and sat up, then leaned against the head board.

"Well, I've know him since birth. We always had each other. After my parents died, Bucky took care of me." Steve chuckled as he smiled in amusement.

"Huh, I remember this one time, he and I went to Coney Island with a couple of girls. I forgot the one's name, but I know the other's name was Dot. Bucky tried getting her to like me by telling what I'm like, then I tried getting her to like him by telling her what Bucky was like. I guess you could say it was chaos. She ended up dumping the both of us there."

Elias giggled as she sat up too. "That sounds fun. Can you tell me more?"

Steve chuckled started telling her about the time he and James were in the war, or before that, James coming to his rescue when he'd get beat up in a back alley. Elias laughed, loving the way Steve described himself before the super soldier serum and what James's personality was like before the fall.

So that's how James became the Winter Soldier! But how did I become apart of Hydra? I guess I can ask that question later....

"I think I'll sleep now. All those stories really took it out of me." Elias says with a yawn.

Steve nodded and laid back down, yawning himself then going to sleep. Elias curled up next to him, a small smile on her face.

I'm with you till the end of the line, Steve and James's promise echoed in her head as she drifted off to sleep.

SAVING GRACE | bucky barnes ✔️Where stories live. Discover now