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___3 Months Later___

"Let me get this straight: you scared the cashier so you could get pie?!"

James, Felix, and Elias sat at the beat up table sipping beers that Felix stole.

"Hey, I got the pie." Elias gestured to the pie in front of her.

James rolled his eyes as Elias finished her second beer. She then took another slice of pie and started munching on it.

"So, Elias, where you from?"

"Austria. Born there and moved to America when I was seventeen." She says to him.

Felix nodded and grabbed a slice of pie.

"Tell me, in your years of being in HYDRA, did you ever find anyone? Like a boyfriend?"

James inwardly groaned. He knew where Felix was going with this.

Elias blushed darkly as she forced her pie down. "No, I-I haven't." She looked over at James, wanting help so the spotlight wasn't on her.

"Really? No staring at a certain agent?"

Felix glanced over at James who was avoiding eye contact with Elias.

"Not even Rumlow?" James teased.

"NO!!!" Elias screeched. "Rumlow was not my kind of guy!"

Felix smirked at the two. These past three months, he's been having little talks with James about Elias. Felix noticed the way James spoke to Elias; always passionate, always caring. He noticed the way he looked at her when she wasn't looking. For these past few months, Felix has been helping James with his feelings for Elias.

"Then who's your guy?" James asked with a smirk.

Deep down, he wanted the guy to be him.

"Well, my guy is pretty cheeky, he's skilled in combat, has a set of abs that could rival Thor's, biceps almost the size of my head, his hair looks like Sam Winchester's, and he's squishy." Elias stood up and stretched.

"Well, gentlemen, I'm off to bed. Good night."

She went upstairs, James watching her until she was out of sight.

"She was talking about you." Felix says with a hopeful grin.

James shrugged and finished his beer. "I should head to bed too. Night, Felix."

"Night, James. And good luck with that woman." Felix says to James and goes to his room.

James stood up and walked upstairs. He walked in on Elias changing into one of his shirts. He silently thanked the lord that she had a bra and a pair of underwear on.

"Nice of you to join. I thought you and Felix were flirting....as always." Elias teased as she purposely pulled the shirt on slowly, making him fell uncomfortable.

"Whatever, Crimson." He says, looking away from her.

She chuckled a little as she pulled up her hair.

"Can I ask you something?"

"Shoot." She says and sits on the bed.

"Not to pry, but was I the guy you were talking about?"

"Um....well...." Elias fumbled with her hands before rambling on about someone.

In the middle of her rambling, James put a hand over mouth.

"Elyzia. Stop. Now, just say yes or no."

Elias rolled her eyes and stood up, turning her back to him and being stubborn.

"Elyzia." He says again.

"Don't have to if I don't want to."

"Really? So let's just say if I did this–"

She furrowed her brows and turned toward him. "Did wh–?" She was cut off by James's lips crashing onto hers.

Elias was taken aback at first but kissed him back, running her hands through his hair as his hands rested on her hips. He broke away and smirked at her dumbfounded expression.

"I'll take that kiss as a yes to my question." James says smugly.

"Oh, shut up, Barnes." She says and pulls him into a kiss. He grinned widely, loving the feel of her lips on his.

She was my mission. And now my mission is complete. James thought happily as Elias smiled at him.

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