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Edit: For those of you who have read this book, you may have noticed this chapter was blank. I did not know this until now so my apologies. But, I will rewrite this chapter (it'll still fit the storyline). Sorry for the inconvenience😬


Elias and Bucky found an abandoned warehouse to stay in. They set up a lantern and Elias bandaged Bucky's bullet wound.

"Ow! That hurts!" Bucky hissed in pain as Elias tightened the bandages.

"Oh, stop being a baby." Elias said and tied it.

Bucky glared at her before he grabbed the bandages from her.

"You need your bandages changed."

"I'm fine, Buck. I really am. But of course that's not counting the aching pains everywhere in my body." Elias said and pulled her hood on to cover her face for sleeping.

"You're ridiculous." Bucky sighed as he tossed the bandages onto her backpack and leaned against a pillar. Elias moved over to him and laid on his lap.

"If you get uncomfortable, just wake me up and I'll move." She said with a yawn.

Bucky chuckled a little before running his hands over her arm. He watched her body rise and fall until it was slow and almost melodic. It wasn't long till he fell asleep as well.


"I'm Elias Crimson, a former Hydra experiment but now an agent."

Twenty-four year old Elias sat in front of Alexander Pierce, his eyes narrowed at the young girl.

"That's not your real name. Tell me the full name."

Her eye twitched and her fists clenched when she heard his order. She wasn't that innocent girl anymore who wore dressed and sported pigtails. She was a murderous agent.

"My name is Elias Crimson. I go by that and that alone." She said with forced kindness.

Pierce smirked at her. "I like fire in you, Miss Crimson. Now, since you've been transferred from the Austrian base to one of the American bases, I will make you the Winter Soldier's caretaker since you know all about experiments and manipulation."

Elias felt her chest tighten in anger. Her fingernails dig into her palm, the pain keeping herself from punching the man in front of her.

"Thank you, Mister Pierce." She forced out. "When do I start?"

"Right now."


Elias walked into the room where the Winter Soldier was. She smiled a little at him. The Soldier frowned in confusion

Should I kill her? He thought as Elias walked up to him.

"I'm Elias Crimson, your new caretaker." She said to him in German.

The Soldier glared and responded back quietly, "I don't need another one of you guys."

Elias sighed and looked over his information on the clipboard she had. The Soldier watched her dark gray eyes scan the pages. Her face went pale when she read a small note at the bottom of the page.

He killed his other caretakers? Elias thought to herself before she put the clipboard down.

"Alright, Soldier, let's get you patched up and then I'll give you the medicine."

Bucky's glare didn't falter as she approached him with bandages. The young woman gulped when her eyes met stone cold ones. Her heart beat against her chest as she noticed the tenseness in his body.

"I promise I won't hurt you, Soldier." Elias said with a small reassuring smile and started cleaning his wounds.

When he felt the alcohol pad on his wounds, he whipped around and grabbed Elias's wrist. The young woman gasped, her eyes wide as she tried pulling her wrist away from him. He narrowed his eyes at her before he let her go.

"You know, you can talk to me, right?" Elias asked, her voice shaking as she wet a white towel and cleaned off Bucky's wounds. His muscles relaxed when he didn't feel the alcohol burn him.

He frowned in confusion. Talk? He was never given the right to talk before.

What if she's testing me? Bucky thought bitterly as he felt the wet cloth on his back.

"Maybe just nod your head or sign to me? Can you sign? I don't know if you can..."

The rest of the time was silent, the only sounds being the ripping of tape and the noises of Elias's boots.

Maybe I will like this one, Bucky thought as Elias finished bandaging.


"Hey, Buck? Buck? Ugh! Get up, you butt!"

Elias shook him awake. She had a soft smile on her face as she saw his eyes open.

"What time is it?" He asked groggily and stretched.

"It is...9:27am." Elias responded. "I heard you say my name in your sleep."

Bucky's face turned a dark red as he looked up at Elias, her lips formed in a smirk.

"You did? Um...I was dreaming about the day I first met you." Bucky said with a smile.

"You were 25 right?" Bucky asked as he started gathering his things.

"Yeah." Elias responded and stood up, her stomach growling. "I'm hungry."

"Hi, Hungry, I'm Bucky."

"Well played, you dork. Well played."

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