Chapter 11

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Toby's POV

About 40 minutes after I received the text from Spencer the doorbell rings. I quickly sprint down the stairs to answer it. Wren had left about 30 minutes ago so finally we're alone.

"Hey." I breathe.

"Hey, did you go down the stairs a little too fast?" She laughed and walked inside.

"Maybe a little too fast." I say closing the door behind her, "so, want some food? Coffee?"

"I'll take some coffee. Only if I can make it." She declares as we to the kitchen.

"I'm the host. I have to do everything possible to make my guest happy."

"No, no. Please," she begged, "please let me make the coffee."

"Fine." I sigh, "but I'm making the popcorn."

"That's fine with me. So, how do you like your coffee?" She asks.

"I'll just take it the same way you're having yours." I answered.

"I don't think you'll be able to handle my coffee."

"Excuse me! Of course I can handle a cup of coffee. I'm not a baby Spence." I argued.

"Okay, but you've been warned!" She smiled and went back to making the coffee. I glanced at her a couple times and watched her pour the coffee out after a few minutes. "Here's your coffee sir."

I take a sip of the coffee and immediately spit it out again. "That's toxic!"

"I told you, you wouldn't be able to handle it!"

"No I'm serious Spence. If someone drunk that it could kill them."

"Hey! I drink this everyday!" She's so cute when she shouts.

"You must be immune." I laugh. She laughs too.

"What do you want to do?" She asks and takes another sip of her coffee.

I look up and down her, "I can think of a few things." I smirk and she just gasps.

"Toby, you're such a boy!" She says punching my arm.

"I'm kidding, Spence. I was actually think we could watch a movie."

"Hmm that's an idea. What movie?"

"I was thinking... a horror movie."

"What, no no no!" She half-shouts, "Toby I'll never be able to sleep again!"

"Don't worry. I'll be there. It's just a movie."

"They still scare the hell out of me!"

"Don't worry," I reassure her. "I'll keep you safe. Come on! Live a little!"

"Ugh, fine. But I swear if I have ONE nightmare-"

"You'll be fine, you're strong."

"Why thank you." She smiles and we walk to the living room.

We cuddle up together on the couch together. I press play on the movie, the conjuring, using the remote. I wrap my arm around her shoulders and bring her in closer to me. I made sure all the lights were off to make sure this film was as atmospheric as possible.

A jump scare just happened in the film and Spencer buried her head into my chest. I stroked her hair and let out a slight laugh at how scared Spencer was at this film. She turned her head back to the film and within minutes her head was in my chest again.

This girl is amazing.

The film ends, throughout the film there were many jump scares which resulted in Spencer shrieking, Spencer turns back up to me.

"I hate you." She says sitting back up on the chair and reaching for the light.

"No you don't, you love me." I blurt out. God, I'm so stupid! Why did I say 'you love me.' Calm down, I tell myself, she didn't hear you.

"What did you say?" She asks quickly.

"Eh... I said 'no you don't, you like me'." I force up a smile to make this 'lie' more believable.

"Oh, sorry, I thought I heard something else." She says, sounding embarrassed. She quickly grabs her phone and then looks at me. "Do you think you could turn the weather report on?"

"Eh... sure. One sec." A couple of seconds later I've turned the news on and the weather was on the verge of coming. "Here it is."

"Everyone in the Philadelphia area," the weather girl began, "is advised to stay inside as a hurricane will begin shortly if not already you may experience power cuts and-"

Suddenly all the lights and the tv switched off automatically.

"What was that?" Spencer says wrapping her arms around my torso. She's probably still scared from the film.

"They said we'd experience power cuts. Don't worry Spence, the house is not possessed."

"I know that. Maybe I should go before the hurricane hits."

I stand up with Spencer and we walk over to the window. The wind was blowing like crazy and the rain was falling everywhere.

"It looks like the hurricane beat you to it. You can stay here as long as you want."

"Thanks Tobes. So, it's just us two?" She alas as she steps closer to me.

"Actually," a voice said as the door closed, "just us three."


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