Chapter 15

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Spencer's POV

*the next day*

I was in my room getting ready for the dinner with my parents and Toby. I pull on my white dress and do my makeup lightly when I received a phone call from Toby.

"Hey you." I say as I pick up the phone.

"Hey, so can I ask you something?" He says.

"Sure, what is it?"

"What should I wear?" He asks me this and I can't help but laugh but then I hear the seriousness in his voice, "this is not a laughing matter Spencer."

"Yes it is. Anyway, wear something formal but... not too formal. Casual but... not too casual."

"Wow. Spencer. That helped so much." He says sarcastically.

I sigh, "Well, I'm sorry. My parents are weirdly complicated people."

"Yeah, they're not the only ones." He says and I can tell he's talking about me.

"Excuse me! Just get ready!" I demand. "Just be yourself. But be, you know, fancy, smart, charming..."

"So, not be myself?"

"No, of course not Toby. You're charming... funny, amazing I don't see how they couldn't like you."

"Thanks babe. So you think I'm amazing..."

"Bye Toby!" I say and quickly hang up the phone.

I run down the stairs and I see my mother and Melissa at the island talking.

"Hey." I say walking over to the coffee pot and starting it.

"Hello Spencer. So for lunch today Melissa is bringing Ian." My mother says and my jaw drops. Not in the good way.

"What?" I say shocked.

"Since you are bringing Tony-"

"Toby." I correct her.

"Toby... we thought it was only fair Melissa brought someone."

"Fine." I sigh and turn back to my coffee. There was no point in arguing, I was never going to win.

Two hours later

There's a knock on the door and I run over to open it. It was Toby.

"Hey." I say as he hands me a beautiful bunch of flowers and a bottle of red wine for my parents. "Thank you."

"Hey, Spence. It's no problem."  Suddenly my mother and father walked into the room.

"You must be Toby." My mother says.

"Yes. It's nice to meet you Mrs Hastings." My dad nudges my mother and she takes the wine and flowers from Toby.

"It's nice to meet you Toby." My dad said holding out his hand for Toby to shake. Toby is glad to shake it. "You've got a firm grip there. I like that in a man."

"Thank you Mr Hastings."  My father walked over to my mother and Toby just looked at me.

"Well done. You passed the first test." I whispered jokingly.

"Test?" He whispered as we walked into the dining room.

Minutes later my mother and father walked in and they were followed my Melissa and... Ian. Ugh. This was going to be weird.

An hour into the dinner there was a lot of small talk between Melissa, Ian, my mother or my dad, my mother, Toby and I. Etc. Etc. Toby seemed to get along well with my parents and that's one of the only things I enjoyed about this dinner. I tried to avoid talking to Ian. At all costs. As soon as he looked over to me I immediately turned back to Toby. Trying to engage him in conversation, which was not hard. I kept getting these weird, creepy looks from Ian but I shook it off and continued with the dinner.

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