Chapter Three

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Hi everyone! Thanks for reading this. It makes me happy ;) so anyway, if you noticed, this book is rated PG-13. It's rated that for a reason. If you don't like swearing, I suggest you stop reading. But if you're okay with it, keep reading! Remember to vote and comment! Tell me what you think. Thanks!


Chapter Three

I woke to the sound of the pilots voice.

"Attention all passengers! This is your pilot speaking. We will be landing shortly." he spoke.

I sighed and looked at my phone to check the time. 5:00 pm. But I knew that wasn't right, because we weren't in the US anymore. I sighed again.

I turned to Misty, who was reading a book. Did she bring that with her? I hadn't noticed. It was called The Lovely Bones by Alice Sebold. Misty seemed very into the book, so I didn't disturb her.

I looked at Kirsten. She was texting someone on her phone. Probably Niall. Ugh. She's probably saying something like, 'Why do these stupid girls have to live with us?!' She's stupid, not us!

Kirsten's eyes moved away from the screen and to my face. She smiled. Pathetic.

"Hi, Alex. Have a nice nap?"

I groaned. She was probably happy I fell asleep so she didn't have to hear me talk. Well I'll tell you what, a whole plane ride and barely talking to her? I was utterly fine with that.

Hiding my hate, I said, "Yes, of course." I put in a fake smile, and so did she.

Misty closed her book and looked at the two of us. "Are you two okay?"

Kirsten and I nodded in unison. I just met her, and I hate her. There's just something about her that makes me want to punch her. But I couldn't punch for shit. I'm just a weak, shy, teenage girl. Ugh.

I turned my head to the window. I had the window seat, luckily. I saw lots of water. In fact, that's really all I saw.

Then I remembered, I had to call Harry and Niall and tell them that I was landing. My eyes gazed back to my phone as I dialed the number. I put the phone to my cheek.

"Who are you calling?" asked Kirsten. There's that fake smile again.

Why does she care? Mind your own business, snob! But being the nice person that I am, I answered. "Harry, to let him know that we are going to land soon."

Damn. Why do I always give in?! Why can't I say 'no!' Humph.

Kirsten laughed. What's so funny about calling Harry Styles? Nothing, that's what. She's just stupid. Stupid stupid stupid!

"You don't need to worry about that, love. I texted Niall already." she said. That evil grin...

"Oh," I let out, smiling. "okay, then!" I hung up the phone.

"Can you text on your phone? Or is it too old to do that?" Kirsten asked.

That bitch! She's got the nerve to ask such a thing?! God damn, I just wanna....

"Yes, I can, actually!" I spit out, proudly.

Kirsten looked surprised. "Oh."

Ha! Defeat.

Misty could see the tension between us. She tried to say something, but she stopped herself. Good Misty. Let's not start any crap right now.

Kirsten received a text message. She looked down at her phone and smiled. "Aww, Niall!" she whispered a bit too loudly. I rolled my eyes.

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