chapter 10

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Grays P.O.V

" Ok, you guys, who's  going in first?" ( Y / N ) asked

" I'll go," I said

" ok," they all said together besides flame brain who was yelling he wanted to participate until both (Y / N ) and Erza slapped him on the head making him shut up.

( Y / N ) ' s P.O.V

We all went up to booth type thing to watch Gray in the match.
All of a sudden a huge city just rises out of the ground filling the arena. Cool.

( Grays P.O.V)

Ok, a city just raised out of the ground. Wired. The pumpkin guy said the aim of the game was to beat everyone but if you attack the lookalikes instead of the real person then you get a 1min timeout. Pretty simple right.

( Y / N ) ' s P.O.V

The game started and everyone was running around trying to catch people. Unfortunately for Juvia, she hugged one of the fake Grays getting her a 1min timeout. The out of nowhere the purple guy from raven tail burst out of the ground and tried attacking Gray.

God, I hate raven tail.
That purple guy managed to hit Gray giving him a 1 min time out. This kept going on until the blond guy from Sabertooth did a spell which targeted everyone.

The game ended with fairy tail in the last place. Just great. Knowing though ' s raven tail jerk's, they're going to rub it on our faces.....
Hopefully, if no one holds me back I'm probably going to kick all of their asses.


Natsu then interpreted my train of thought

"Hey, ( Y / N ) can I ask you something?" He said

I looked at him confused. Then I thought of a funny comeback

" you just did " I joked

I heard Lucy laughing and Erza smile at my cockiness.
I've been cocky ever since I was able to talk. Natsu just gave me a serious look.

" I'm being serious ( Y / N ). OK, the question is... do you like Laxus?".......

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