Chapter 58

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Third-person P.O.V

(Y/N) threw punches of fire continuously at Zirconis but she couldn't go full force because she might hit Lucy, who was still held captive in the dragon's grip.

As ( Y/ N) was going in for another punch to Ziconis' face, he quickly backhanded her sending the dragon slayer flying through the air and landed with a thud on the ground. (Y/N) didn't move and became still for a minute before she got up and continued fighting.

(Y/N)'s friends watched her from the sidelines but they were becoming worried. How much longer would she go before she gave up completly? She was badly beaten from her recent fight with Future Rogue and was low on magic power.

"Shouldn't we do something? If she continues on like this she'll be killed." ( E/N) said worried for her friend 

" I agree this has gone on long enough.  I was originally going to wait until she called for our help but.." Mira's sentence was cut off when  (Y/N) was thrown by to the floor just a few feet from her friends by  Zirconus.

But the stubborn dragon slayer just got up again, despite that she was clearly in pain and was low on magic power. She continued fighting but was more sloppy and uncordinated then before since she was getting so tired.

"Why wait for her to ask for help. Like I said before, both (Y/N) and Natsu are extremely stubborn. Let's just go now before (Y/N) gets herself killed!" Carla yelled at them all

Mira quickly transformed into one of her son souls while Wendy started to use her wind magic. (Y/N) weakly walked to stand beside them.

" (Y/N) maybe you should rest. You look pretty tired" Happy tries to reason with the stubborn girl.

But all she did was dismiss his saying she was perfectly fine and continued to stare down the cocky dragon. But Happy wasn't convinced. Nobody was. Not even Lucy who even though couldn't hear them from how high up she was, she could still see how weak (Y/N) had become.

" Bring it on," Wendy said turning back to Ziconis who just laughed at them. He roared at them sending them all flying through the air.

(Y/N) groaned as she flew through the air but this time she crashed into a wall, hitting her head and going completely still.

The last thing she heard before she fell unconscious was everyone yelling out her name in worry.

(Time skip)

(Y / N)'s P.O.V

My head was killing me. Where was I?

I had trouble but I managed to open my eyes but was imminently forced to shut them again by the brightness that I was greeted with.

I opened my eyes again and squinted until I got used to the light. Once I could finally see I looked around and noticed I was in an infirmary. I heard snoring beside me and I looked over to see Natsu, (E/N) and Happy all snoring away. Natsu was even drooling a tiny bit onto the bedsheets. That made me laugh slightly.

I ran my fingers through is spiky and messy hair from where he had been sleeping.  He started to stir a bit before finally opening his eyes.

" Natsu" I whispered,  my voice was weak and the horse from lack at the water. 

My brothers head shot up, making me jump slightly.

" (Y/N)!" He sounded relieved and his sudden yell made Happy and (E/N) wake up with a start and fall on the floor with a thud.

They both quickly got up and tackled me in a hug, making me groan in pain slightly. They both got off me and returned to sitting on the bed.

"You had all of us really worried (Y/N). What were you thinking? Pushing yourself that hard! You could've gotten yourself killed. What were you thinking?!" Natsu yelled at me tears threatening to fall from his eyes.

"That's the thing I wasn't thinking. I just wanted to get Lucy back from the dragon that was literally about to eat her. I couldn't just sit back and do nothing" I shot back, moving to sit up but decided against it when my head started hurting.

We sat in silence for a few seconds before I decided to speak up.

" How long was I out for?"

" Almost a week. You've got a concussion and lost a lot of magic power but Poliusca said you should be fine by tomorrow." Natsu explained.

" Which is perfect timing for the ball" Happy added

" What? What ball? "I asked confused and looked at them all individually.

"The king was so thankful for our help with the gate and the dragons that he's throwing this huge ball for all the wizards!" (E/N) said getting existed

" The girls from our guild even went out and got you a dress. So there is no excuse to go " Natsu smirked knowing I hated dressing up and getting all fancy.

I gave him a look showing my distaste for the whole thing. He just laughed knowing that the girls are going to make me go no matter what I say.

Natsu then stood up making Happy and (E/N) follow him.

"I'm going to tell everyone your awake. You just get some sleep."

" I've been sleeping for almost a week. I think I've had my fill." I joked sitting up. My head didn't hurt as much as it did before.

Natsu laughed slightly before out heading to the door.

I heard Natsu yelling at the top of his lungs " She's awake! She's awake!"

I heard the pounding of footsteps running down the hall towards where I was.


And the door burst open letting the entire Fairytail guild flood into the infirmary.

Hey guys, just letting you know that there will be a few more chapters and then this book is completed. I can't wait for the ball scene. I'll see you guys next week. Bye.

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