Chapter 33

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Laxus P.O.V

(Y/N) and I are now in the infirmary, I'm sat on a stool placed by one of the beds while (Y/N) is running around trying to find the right things to treat my wound. Why would she be so worried if I got a simple little burn? it doesn't hurt much. I know she cares a lot about everyone she's loyal to but I've only ever seen her this worried to find the right medical supplies if someone is really hurt or it's her brother.

I looked over at the pink-haired girl who was trying to grab some sort of ointment from one of the shelves. She was jumping up and down trying to reach it. I laughed quietly at how cute and childlike she was. I think she heard me because he turned her head to look at me giving me a playful glare.

" Need help?" I asked her

" Nope, I'm ok. Almost got it" She answered still trying to grab the bottle of ointment.

I got up from my seat, walked over to the shelf and grabbed the bottle, holding it out for (Y/N) to take.

" Thanks," She said quietly and slightly annoyed, taking the bottle.
I sat down again and stared at (Y/N) while she put ointment on my burn and bandaged it. She still hasn't told me how she feels about the whole 'me liking her' thing. Did she like me back or just liked me as a friend?, maybe she just didn't like me at all?, I wouldn't be surprised if she didn't like me, I mean I did try and take over the guild, make her friends fight each other and kidnapped her when she was a kid.

was sitting on the steps in the cathedral, waiting for someone to come and challenge me, it's most likely going to be Natsu, the idiot can't say no to a fight. I heard someone crying behind me. I looked and saw a 12-year-old (Y/N) sat on the floor crying.

Freed had put on enchantment around the cathedral so she couldn't escape and worn her pathetic friends. Not that she had any chance at escaping, to begin with, she's a kid and I'm way stronger than her. She caught me looking at her and glared at me

" What do you want, you ass?" She snapped at me.

I just shrugged and turned back around facing the doors again. I could hear her moving behind me

" Why did you take me, why didn't you have Evergreen just turn me to stone like the other girls?" She asked quietly

"  Because I wanted to cause chaos and taking the guilds only child and a weak one at that seemed like a good way to cause some more trouble.   " I replied not even looking at the pink-haired girl behind me.

I felt a slight hit on my head and turned to look at her, to see she was giving me a Childs version of a death glare.

" What the hell was that?" I questioned

She just continued to give me the death glare.

" It's for insulting me and calling me weak"  she snapped

I ignored her and kept me gave on the cathedral door.

" You know before, I actually liked you, Laxus, I considered you a friend. But now, now your just huge stuck up ass, who cares about nothing but himself and his self-gain" She told me clearly unhappy.

" Well for that comment, when I'm guild master, you and pathetic brother are the first out!" I yelled slightly getting agitated with the kid.

She then stood up tears streaming down her face, pointing a finger at me she yelled, more like screamed


End of flashback

She said it herself, she hates me or hated me I don't know.

  I think she felt my stare and looked at me with her beautiful (E/C) eyes, giving me a slightly confused look. 

"Something wrong, Laxus?" She asked going back to wrap my arm. 

I shook my head lightly.

" just got a lot on my mind" I answered
She finished wrapping my arm and sat back in her chair.

"All done. Now, do you wanna tell me what's wrong?" She asked concerned.

I looked at her and saw that she really wanted to know what I was thinking about.

I sighed knowing I'm not going to get out of this. She can be so persistent when she wants something.

" I was thinking back to when you were a kid. When I kidnapped you and made the guild fight each other and I was wondering if what you said to me  back then is still true?" I asked looking at her for some sort of answer. 

" What do you mean?" She gave me a confused face.

" When you literally screamed at me that you hated me," I explained preparing myself for her to say it was true. But I was wrong. Instead of saying it was true she just burst out laughing.
I looked at her confused and slightly hurt.

" Laxus, I was a child, it was 7 years ago. I can't hold grudges that long, besides Natsu told me how you came to the rescue when he and the others were facing off against Hades. Of course, I don't hate you. " She reassured me.

I was relieved that she didn't hate but does she like me as I  like her.

" Laxus, I can already guess what you going to say, you wanna know if I like you like you like me and you'll be glad to hear that... " she started then leaned closer to me so her face was inches away from mine.

" I like you too" She confessed.

I stared at her, shocked and thrilled that she liked me back.

I don't know what came over me but it just happened. I  grabbed her by her shirt and smashed my lips onto her soft ones.

 I  grabbed her by her shirt and smashed my lips onto her soft ones

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She was shocked at first but instantly kissed back.

I was in heaven.

Squeee!!!!! 😊😊😊. I've been waiting for the kiss for ages. Hope you guys liked it and I'll see you guys next week. Bye.

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