Chapter 27

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Hey guys, here's another chapter. Hope you enjoy.

Laxus' P.O.V 
I'm stood, in a fighting stance, in front of my old man's guild, who so happen to have the girl I like.

" Laxus..." I heard (Y/N) say weakly
It kills me inside, hearing her so weak. I just stood there choosing whether to go full force on them or just let things play out.

" Now tell me where to find the  Luminous Histoire,  or  your little girlfriend pays the price for it!" Ivan demands
I fought the blush trying to make its way onto my cheeks because of the fact that he called (Y/N) my girlfriend. I mean I want her to be my girlfriend.

" She's not my girlfriend" I shot back at him

He just smirked at me and lifted (Y/N) up higher towards his face. He's better not hurt more than she already is.

" Well, she may not be your girl. But I know for a fact, that you hold feelings for her, don't you? Aww, my little boy is all grown up. How sweet. " Ivan taunts me.

" now tell where the Luminous Histoire is, or this will be the last time you ever see of this pathetic fairy," Ivan demands again holding up  (Y/N) by her wrist.

Again I just stood there.
" Sorry, never heard of it" I growl at them

" don't try and play dumb with me. We wouldn't want anything to happen to your precious (Y/N) now would we?"  Ivan taunts me again.

" I'm not playing" I replied quickly hoping that they'll leave (Y/N) out of this before she gets hurt even more.

"If Makerove was to tell anyone it would be his beloved grandson," Ivan says.

" guess not, cause I don't know what you're talking about. Now leave (Y/N) alone. She doesn't need to be involved in this." I tried getting them to leave her alone.

" He must have told you something about it?" Ivan asked, completely ignoring my pleas to let ( Y/N) go.

Now I was getting really agitated. I just tried not to show it.

" Nope, but even if the old geezer had it's not like I would ever tell you. Now again. Let. (Y/N). Go." I replied

" I don't think so. You see boy, my guild and myself have grown rather attached to her. She's wonderful company. And it's even better when she screams and fights back. You chose yourself a feisty one didn't you my boy." Ivans grip on (Y/N)'s wrist got tighter and I could tell by her face she was in pain.

" Laxus.Don't. Tell them. Anything... " (Y/N) managed to say but got silenced by Ivan punching her in the chest and yelling for her to be quiet.

" come now. I'm offering you the opportunity to emerge victorious from what is an utterly hopeless situation. If you dare to refuse my terms, your illusion form won't be the only one getting a thrashing. If you do cooperate than you'll get to have your (Y/N)  back in your arms" Ivan then drops  (Y/N) on the floor right at his feet. She let out a grunt of pain on impact.

She wasn't moving. The only hint I have that she was alive was the fact that she breathing. That's a good sign. She's still hurt though.

I surround my whole body with lighting. I'm getting so agitated right now.

" you think you can scare me. Better think again old man. It's no wonder the old geezer gave up on you. Come at me all of you. Your an enemy of Fairytail's master and that makes you my enemy too. You already became my enemy when you decided it would be a good idea to kidnap (Y/N)" I threaten them.
I quickly look down at (Y/N) just to make sure she's still breathing. She looks fine if she wasn't tied up and bruised you'd think she was sleeping.
I brought my gaze back to Raven Tail when Ivan started speaking again. All of Raven Tail looked really creepy. Red glowing eyes and a purple aura surrounding them.

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