Chapter 11

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Hey, guys just so you know. this happens before Lucy fights Flare just to make sure you don't get confused.

( Y / N ) ' s P.O.V

" ( Y / N ), do you like Laxus?"
Natsu asked narrowing his eyes in suspicion.

This got Lucy's and Erza's attention

Dammit. it's because when laxus looked at me before the battles begun, I looked away and blushed. I knew someone would find out but did it have to be my overprotective brother in front of my best friends. He's probably going to be pissed if I say yes and if I lie and say no he'll be even more serious because he can always tell when I'm lying.

" no...." I answered trying not to sound like I'm hiding something.
All three of them looked at me with the look saying

' I don't believe you '

Natsu's P.O.V

( Y / N )'s hiding something, I can tell

" ( Y / N ) tell us the truth............ or I'll tell master Macerove ( don't know how to spell his name) that you are ill and have to sit out the games" I threatened

She glared at me

" you wouldn't dare" she snarled

" Oh I would.... just tell us the truth... we won't say anything," I promised

She looked sceptical at me then looked at the girls. They both nodded their heads to say that they also promised not to tell.

( Y / N ) ' s P.O.V

I'm going to regret this.

"..... ok....... I may like him in a little bit more than a friend way....." I admitted

Lucy was girly screaming and Erza was smiling so big it looked like her cheeks hurt. Natsu had a way different expression. I knew that would happen. He's pissed.

" YOU LIKE HIM?!!" He yelled

I blushed and looked down. I then nodded my head still looking down

I then heard a smack. Looking up Erza had slapped Natsu on the back of the head..... hard. Ouch

" ( Y / N ), it's alright that you like him. I mean you were bound to fall head over heels for someone" Erza reassured me

" Thanks, Erza,....... do you think he likes me back?" I asked

" If he does he has to go through me" Natsu threatened

" that should be pretty easy" Lucy joked

That got me and Erza laughing too
Just so you guys know ( ??? ) back in one chapter I asked you to guess who you think it is. He actually is...

.....laxus. well done if you guessed right and if you didn't. Well, at least you tried anyway back to the story.

Laxus POV

I was in my own thoughts when I heard laughing and looked to see fairytail team A.

The girls were laughing while Natsu had a scowl on his face. I heard ( Y / N ) laughing and to be honest it was the cutest laugh I have ever heard.

I felt a jab on my side and I looked at everyone looking at me smirking. Mira's was the biggest.

" Hey Laxus... quick question, but do you have a thing for Natsu's sister?" Gajeel asked with his signature smirk

I gotta be honest, I actually do have a thing for her. But I can't tell her or anyone else because I'm meant to be big and tough. People won't think that if they find out I have silly schoolboy crush.....

" Of course I don't. Why would you ever think that" I shot back, coldly

" Well, you are staring at her with adoration. It's cute!" Mira gushed

I know I was looking at team A but was I staring at ( Y/N ) longer than I expected.

" I was not staring at her... I just wanted to know who the hell was laughing so loudly" I replied

I looked back over at team A to see ( Y / N ) looking right back at me with a blush on her face.

I couldn't stop the heat rising to my cheeks and everyone saw.
Gajeel and Mystigan were both grinning and the girls were squealing but I didn't care. I was too busy looking at ( Y / N ) ' s beautiful face. Oh crap. Gajeel was right.

I'm falling in love with salamanders sister.....

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