Chapter 36

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Hey guys. Most of the comments on my last A.N were to put you into the fight against the Twin Dragons instead of Gajeel. So that's what I'm going to do. Enjoy the chapter.

(Y/N)'s P.O.V

We were all running into the arena where Minerva was still holding Lucy outside the water sphere.

" LUCY" Natsu and Gray yelled as Minerva dropped Lucy letting her fall, but thankfully Natsu and Gray caught her just as an I reached them.

" Lucy, come on. Say something " I urged worried

She didn't move. She just lay there in Gray's arms unconscious.

Natsu looked up at Minerva with pure hatred in his eyes.

" What in the hell is your problem? You went way too far!" Natsu yelled up at her.

Wendy and Chelia were rushing trying to help with their healing magic. Ezra finally reached us and turned to glare Minerva as she descended from the sphere. To say I was angry was an understatement. I was livid. How dare she hurt one of my friends. Someone I saw as a  big sister growing up and I still do.

Minerva landed right by us with a smirk on her face. She saw mine and Erza's faces but just smirked even more.

"What scornful expressions" She simply said.


Wendy and Chelia had gotten to Lucy and were now healing her. Thank goodness.

" You can glare at me all you want if it makes you feel better. But remember I acted in full compliance of the rules of the competition." Minerva taunted.

That is when I lost it. Beating someone this is bad was not the aim of the game.

" I'll do more to you then  simply glare!" I yelled as I charged forward only to be held back by Erza putting her arm out to stop me.

" That may be true, but you went way outside the bounds of basic human decency. " Ezra said with her arm still out trying to keep me under control.

Minerva then had the nerve to laugh at us and say she was simply trying to entertain the crowd. How dare she!

The rest of the Sabertooth team then stood in front of her, like they were protecting her.

Gray was opposite to Rufus who had a smirk on his face.

Ezra to Olga

And finally, my brother and I opposite to Sting. Who smirked at us but secretly set me a flirty wink. I just simply shot daggers at the blond.

Natsu stepped in front of me protectively. Not at all happy.

Sting stepped forward slightly so Natsu and I went to start a fight but were stopped by Erza putting her arm, again.

But that didn't stop me. Not this time. I ducked under Erza's arm while everyone was yelling at me to stop and charged at Sting who wasn't expecting me to ignore Erza. I managed to punch him in the face. This time with magic.

The crowd went wild.

" oh my. It looks like (Y/N) Dragneel is the one to take the first hit against one of the twin dragons, Sting  Eucliffe. " The announcer yelled.

Natsu and Gray tried joining in to help me but Erza stopped them(again).

"No. This is her fight. Let her do this on her own" Erza ordered them

Sting finally got over his shock after the punch to the face and smirked at me.

" You wanna dance, princess?" He mocked me

" I beat your ass once without magic. This should be a piece a cake" I replied confidently.

We stared at each other, neither of us backing down or looking away. We were just about to start fighting when Wendy called my name getting my attention.

" (Y/N), come on. We gotta get Lucy to the infirmary quick. " She yelled

As much as I wanna beat Sabertooth's ass' right now. Lucy's health is more important than a fight. With one last glare at the Sabertooth team. I turned away and ran to catch up with the others.

(Time skip)

I was sitting outside the infirmary waiting for my brother to finish talking to Lucy so we could go and fight. Because Lucy is hurt, I'm back on the team again since I'm still a reserve member. Master Makerove decided to combine our teams since because of Raven Tail the number of teams is uneven so we kinda have no choice.

On the team now is Natsu, Erza, Gray, Gajeel, Laxus and me.

Natsu and I are going up against the twin dragons. Which I'm really happy about. They're going to pay for what their guild did to all of my friends. Gray, Lucy, Yukino. They're going to pay.

I looked up when I heard footsteps to see a certain blond lightning dragon walking up to me. His coat swaying behind him.

I got up and met him halfway, and he gave a big, warm hug that made me feel safe and secure.

" I don't like the way that Sting guy was looking at you down in the arena. You're mine and only mine got that. Only I'm allowed to look at you like that, ok" Laxus whispered in my ear still holding me. It sent cold shivers down my spine.

I looked up at him and smiled.

" there's no reason to be jealous, Laxus. I love you and only you. Hell, you could beat that guy without even blinking" I reassured him.

He smiled at me before trapping me in a kiss. Unlike our first kiss which was sweet and gentle but also demanding at the same time. This one was hard and way more demanding. It was like he was trying to prove that I was his and no one was allowed to touch me. Not that I'm complaining.

We had to break apart when a cough was heard behind us. We turned and saw Wendy and Carla's standing looking quite embarrassed.

" Um. Your match is about to start (Y/N). You might want to start heading down." Wendy said still embarrassed.

"ok, Wendy, I'll go in a minute. Mind getting Natsu for me?" I asked her

She nodded and went to go get Natsu.

I turned back into Laxus' arms.

" Be careful" he whispered

I nodded and started heading down to the arena.

Sabertooth is going to regret the day that made an enemy out of Fairytail.

Hope you guys enjoyed. Please vote and comment to let me know what you guys are liking the updates and I'll see you next time bye.

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