Chaper 34

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(Y/N)'s P.O.V

Oh my god! I'm kissing Laxus and he's kissing me back! This is a dream come true. His lips are so soft and I sware there are sparks because my lips are now tingling.

My inner fangirl moment came to an end when we sadly had to pull away. I was probably as red as a tomato. We gazed into each other's eyes for a moment before I decided to speak.

" now I know what people mean by a spark" I joked

Laxus laughed at my joke before answering.

" Are you sure? we should do it again, just to make sure" he smirked at me.

I giggled before our lips reconnected. I was in heaven. But something kept nagging in the back of my mind.

What did mean this for us?

What did this make us?.

Am I going to be his girlfriend or am I just going to a stupid one-time thing?

I hadn't noticed Laxus had stopped kissing me and was looking at me with a confused face.

" What ?" he asked.

" I just need to know, what does this make us?" I asked staring into his stormy grey eyes.

He breathed out of his nose and grabbed my hands holding them softly in his.

" It makes us whatever you want us to be, you want time to think things through, go ahead, I'll wait," He told me.

I smiled and looked down at our linked hands.

" If that's the case, then I wanna be your girl. I want everyone to know that. Who cares if my brother gets super protective, I can handle him no problem . But  I do wanna be your girlfriend, Laxus. I really do"
I said shyly and looked away. 

I felt Laxus' fingers under my chin and move my head so my eyes met his once again.
He was smiling softly at me. Not a smirk or a scowl. A genuine smile.

" If that's what you want. Then your my girl" I smiled, super happy with the answer and threw myself into his arms hugging him tightly.
I pulled back a bit, so I was now sitting in on the lap of the one guy that can make my heart go 100 miles per hour.

"But just so you know, I can get pretty possessive of things that belong to me " He growled lowly at me smirking.

I smiled teasingly at him. I moved to make him groan

" Well, I belong to no one, I'm my own women,"  I smirked up at him. I could feel this arms tense and tighten around me.

" Well then, I'm going to change that, you belong to me now and I'm going to make sure everyone knows it"  Wow, he wasn't kidding when he said he would get possessive over me. I kinda like it.

Laxus moved his head closer and before he could kiss me again we heard the door creak. Like a heavyweight was being pressed against it.

Laxus and I looked at each other and Laxus made a sign with his fingers to stay quiet. I giggled quietly and nodded.

We both sat in silence, looking at the door. When we heard voices.

" They've gone quiet," One voice said

" What's going on in there?" Another said

" He better not be doing anything to her or I will kill him" came a this  voice

" quite, all of you " A fourth voice yelled quietly.

" yes, master," the other voices said.

MASTER! you gotta be kidding me. I sweatdropped and got to open the door.

As soon as I opened it the entire guild was now on the floor with me looking over them. Angrier than when Erza gets her cake smashed. 


YES! Things are finally official. Hope you guys liked this chapter and I'll have another up next week. Bye

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