Chapter 24

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Mystery persons P.O.V

I woke up to the sound of a piano playing. Who would be playing the piano in the middle of the night?

I got out of bed and started wandering around the inn until I found where the music was coming from. A music room?
It sounds like someones singing inside.

I opened the door and saw ( Y/N)  sitting at the piano, singing while playing a melody. Her voice is so beautiful. But why is she up in the middle of the night?

I listened closely to her song. It sounds like she has a crush on someone but doesn't know how to tell them. I wonder who she's singing about? I just leaned against the door frame until she had finished.

After she finished singing I started clapping quietly so no one but us would hear. Her head snapped around to look at me alarmed.

( Y/N) ' s P.O.V
I turned my head to see Laxus. ( If you guessed correctly, you get a cookie!) He was leaning against the door frame in his pyjamas. He was staring right at me and I couldn't help but blush. 

" Laxus, how long have you been standing there? " I asked in a panic

He just smirked at me.

" only a few minutes. " He answered like I was no big deal.

I let out a sigh of relief. Thank god he didn't hear the whole song.

" You got a good voice though. Where did you learn to play the piano ?" he asked

I was replaying the memory in my head of when I first learned to play. I smiled at the memory.

"I learned to play when I was a little girl. I gave up doing it after everyone went missing " I answered looking down at the ground.

I think I better get back to my room before Natsu wakes up to find me gone. I remember the last time that happened.  He was not the happiest person in the world.

I went to walk past Laxus and get back to my room when I tripped over my own feet and fell straight into Laxus' chest. I probably looked like a cherry I was so red.

I looked up at him totally embarrassed

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I looked up at him totally embarrassed. He looked down at me with his signature smirk on his face.

" Falling for me again (Y/N)" he teased

I just stood there, in his arms, speechless.

"  I'm so sorry. I should just go back to bed. " I said in a hurry trying to get out of his grip, but no luck so I just gave up and stood there looking flustered.
I could feel Laxus' eyes on me. Burning into my skull. I looked up and met his beautiful blue eyes. He stared at my lips before he started to lean in and I copied his actions. We got closer and closer till I could feel his breath on my face.

Our lips were about to touch when we were interrupted by a very unhappy Natsu

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Our lips were about to touch when we were interrupted by a very unhappy Natsu.

" WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING!" Natsu yelled as I finally broke out of Laxus' hold.

I turned towards Natsu trying to get him to stop shouting in case he woke everyone up. I finally got him to stop shouting but he still was very angry.

" First things first. Laxus. Stay the hell away from my baby sister" Natsu growled

He then turned to me

" and you. I don't want to see you anywhere near him again. " Natsu ordered me

I just stood there and glared at my brother. Why would he tell me to stay away from the one guy who makes my heart pound?

" do you understand me (Y/N)?" He asked me

I didn't answer him. I just shoved past him, angrier than ever and made my way back to our room. I couldn't believe him. I know Natsu can be a bit overprotective but not this much, where he tells me to stay away from someone.

I didn't feel like going back to sleep so I walked out of the inn to calm down. It was so quiet. Too quiet.Somethings wrong, very wrong. I felt like someone was watching me so I turned around to see Flare from Raventail. She was the last thing I saw before everything went dark...

Hope you guys liked it. I'll update soon. See you guys later.

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