Chapter 39

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(Y/N)'s P.O.V

Tomorrow is a day off from the games. I'm sitting in a  corner of the inn cuddling into Laxus' chest, I could literally fall asleep here, I'm so comfortable.  I'm so glad that we finally get a day off from all the fighting.


Oh, come on! If they're going to start a  fight like this tomorrow, then there goes my chance of a real full day off. Seriously, can't these two not go one day without fighting. 

" Alright fine, I said I'm sick and tired of you screeching like a banshee. It's seriously harshing my mellow here" Gray complained turning to face Natsu. 

Oh god, here we go. If I know my brother at all, then he defiantly isn't going to let that insult slide. Especially from Gray.

"you looking for a fight, ice lips?" Natsu challenges   

"anytime, anyplace chump" Gray shoots back 

I sigh in annoyance at there childish behaviour. You'd think I would be used to all the fighting by now and I am but it's just sometimes they can get really annoying. 

Laxus started down at me, hearing my sigh, and sees the obvious irritation on my face. He takes off his headphones, then places them over my ears, the music drowning out Natsu and Gray's argument. I smiled gratefully up at him in which he smiled back at me gave me a slight peck on the lips. 

Even though I can't hear them, I can still see Natsu and Gray going at it with Juvia fangirling over Gray in the background. I noticed they now started using magic and their blasts hit Happy making his now burnt fish fly onto Erza's plate, destroying her cake.

I quickly took off Laxus' headphones, got out of my seat heading for the boys before Erza got a hold of them.

Just as Natsu and Gray were about to attack each other again, I grabbed their ears hard making them yell out in pain.

" Would you two stop acting like children, seriously it's pathetic. Can't you guys go one day without being at each other's throats all the time." I scolded them

They kept trying to get out of my hold on their ears but I wasn't done with them just yet.

" I swear to god if you two start fighting tomorrow over something so petty like a stupid insult, then so help me I will beat you both into next week. Do I make myself  clear?" I asked them sternly

They both nodded still fussing over their hurting ears so I let go and made my way back to Laxus, but as I turned my back Natsu and Gray immediately went back to fighting not noticing Erza came over to scold them for destroying her cake.

I sat back down next to Laxus who put his arm around me making his coat cover me as well. I put his headphones back on and snuggled into his side feeling his arms cradle me adding to my comfort. I quickly drifted into a light sleep.

(My dream)
I was standing in what looks like the town but everything was on fire and destroyed. I saw Lucy kneeling on the ground crying.

" Lucy!!" I yelled but she couldn't hear me

I ran up to her and knelt in front of her.

" Lucy, are you ok? Where is everyone else? What happened?" I reach out it touch her shoulder but my hand goes straight through her. What the heck!

Lucy doesn't even acknowledge the fact that I'm right in front of her. It's like she can't even see me.  What the hell is going on?

I heard a crash and looked up to see what looks like the castle crumbling and falling apart.

I then heard a roar. A dragon roar. I looked at the sky and millions of dragons were headed towards Lucy and I. Then they all started firing at us. I could see the fire getting closer. I was frozen in place and  I could feel something start to shake me so  I screamed out of  fear

( End of dream) 

I sit up with a scream as someone reels back in pain and surprise. I notice I'm back in the inn and my brother is holding his forehead in pain. The entire guild is looking at me worried for some reason.

" Hey, you ok?" I heard Laxus ask

I look up at him and hesitate but nodd slightly kinda freaked out by my dream and not really knowing why the entire guild is looking at me.

" What happened?" I'm almost too scared to ask.

Natsu gets over his shock and looks at me, still holding his forehead with his hand.

" You were mumbling in your sleep, so we thought nothing of it. But then you started screaming and pretty loudly. So Laxus tried to wake you up by shaking you but you kept on screaming so I came over to try and you headbutted me." Natsu explained looking worried

I paused for a second, looking at the ground. I can't tell them what my dream was about they'd think I'm crazy!

"It was just a dream, nothing to it. I'm fine though" I made an excuse quickly to ensure them all that I was fine. They all looked relieved but still worried. Eventually, everyone just went back to doing their own thing.


(Time skip)

I'm stood outside of the inn trying to make sense of the dream I had. Why the hell were there dragons everywhere? why was the entire town destroyed?  why could I only find Lucy? Where was everyone else?

My thoughts were interrupted by footsteps coming towards me.

Hope you guys liked this chapter. I will be updating next week. See you guys then. Bye 

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