Chapter 44

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(Y/N)'s P.O.V

What the hell is this guy talking about? What do all these dragons have to do with the Zeref's demon book?
Thinking that makes me remember Deliora. The demon who killed Gray's parents and his ice magic teacher, Ur.

The strange guy was standing on a cliff, looking down at us.

" Acnilogia is similar to them. For it was Zeref himself who turned the dragon slayer into that creature of death." The armoured guy tells us

" Really?" (E/N) and Happy asked at the same time.

" That means, that if you wish to concur the black dragon, you must first find a way to subdue the black wizard, Zeref"  How the hell are we supposed to defeat the worlds most powerful dark wizard. It's suicide.

" Who are you!?" Gajeel  demanded

" How do we beat Zeref?!" Natsu asked after

I then noticed Yukino standing beside the strange man. How long has she been standing there?

" Yukino? Is that you?" I asked her.
(Time skip)

I learned that the strange man who was eavesdropping on us was called Colonel Arkadous and I also learned that Yukino had become a sergeant of the knights of Fiore after being kicked out of Sabertooth. They were bringing us to see this top-secret project that they apparently needed a celestial wizard for. I  guess that's where Yukino's magic comes in handy. 

Aparrently, the top-secret project was called the 'Eclipse project' and if it was successful, it could help to stop both Zeref and Acnilogia.

We were all stood in front of the castle. It's was incredibly beautiful.

" Holy cow!" Natsu exclaimed in awe and surprise at the giant building.

" It's huge," Gray said looking up at the palace in amazement.

" Of course it's huge dummy, it's mercurous, the luminaria palace (sorry for my terrible spelling)" I smugly told the ice wizard who just glared at me playfully causing me to giggle slightly.

" This his majesty's home"  Arkadous plainly informed us.

" It surely is fit for a king." like everyone else, Lily was looking up at the palace in awe and amazement.

" Are you sure it's ok for us to go inside" (E/N) asked a little scared that we may get in trouble for going inside.

" Yes. But before we go in, I would like to give miss Lucy my most humble apology. My misguided actions put her directly in harm's way." Arkadous apologised not even looking at us.

" Wait a sec, what'd you mean by that?" Natsu asked getting suspicious as we walked inside the humongous castle.

" Are you talking about those goons that attacked Wendy and I during (Y/N)'s battle on the second day?" Carla asked

" You were behind all that?" I asked getting defensive. I don't trust this guy. Not one bit. He may be in the army but that still doesn't make me trust him.

" My intention was to never to cause any real danger but I was far too aggressive with my orders." Arkadous goes on to say that Lucy was their only hope Bla bla bla. What a load of rubbish. He could have simply asked her.

I ran in front of Colonel Arkadous, who stopped in his tracks, stopping everyone else and looked at me weirdly.

" I don't buy it, explain something to me. If you wanted Lucy so badly, for this crazy Eclipse thing. Why didn't you just ask her nicely instead of, oh I don't know, attempting to kidnap her!" I yelled at him. I don't care that he is part of the army and I don't care that I could possibly get myself in serious trouble for this but I want answers and I want them now.

" Like I said my before, my actions were aggressive and I apologise for that. I never wanted any harm to come to anyone" Arkadous apologised again

" That didn't answer my question." I continue to push him.

Instead of answering me he walked past me and started explaining randoms things about the eclipse and the grand magic games. Rude much.


I was about to charge at him but Natsu and Gray held me back. Stopping me from probably getting thrown in prison for attacking a knight. 

We stopped in front of this giant door looking thing. What the heck is that thing?

" What's that?" Wendy asked

"The Eclipse, the door that will change the world. Without immense magic power, it could have never been constructed" Arkadous answered like he was proud of it.

Something about this entire thing doesn't seem right. I have a feeling that Colonel Arkadous and this weird Eclipse thing is going to get my friends and I in serious trouble. I just hope I'm wrong and that it is just a feeling.

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