Chapter 35

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Third-person P.O.V
Everyone was now back downstairs after the whole spying incident. (Y/N) and Laxus were in the centre of the room and (Y/N) was pissed. Laxus had his arm around his new girlfriend, trying to keep her for lashing out.

" So, you wanna explain to us why you were all spying on our conversation?" (Y/N) asked looking directly at Master Makerove who shockingly was included in the spying.
Master Makerove looked up at the new couple and sighed

" We all were simply curious, there has been an unspoken love between the two of you ever since we returned from Tenro Island. We simply wanted to know if things were finally going to move forward and we're all sorry for intruding on your personal lives" Master Makerove apologised.

(Y/N) sighed, seeing as everyone was just curious and there was no reason to really be mad anymore.

"Just please don't do it again, alright?" She asked and everyone nodded


(Time skip)

(Y/N)'s P.O.V

It was day 4 of the Grand Magic Games, and the first event was about to begin.

Apparently, the first event was a naval battle, it was basically sumo wrestling underwater.

I was sat up on the sidewall looking down at the arena. My gaze then went to team B, more specifically my new boyfriend, Laxus. I think he felt my stare because he looked right back at me and winked with a smirk. I couldn't help but let out a little giggle at his boldness.

" What are you giggling at, munchkin ?" Natsu asked using my nickname from when I was younger.

" Just Laxus and as much as the nickname may have suited me when I was little since I was so small, but I'm not anymore so that name doesn't work anymore " I replied.

" yeah but you're still shorter than me" he then trapped me in a headlock and started giving me a noogie making me yell out and laugh.

" Natsu, Natsu stop!" I laughed

He finally let me go and I fixed my now messy hair and sat back on the wall. We stayed in silence before Natsu spoke.

" Hey, I've already told Laxus this but if he hurts you in any way. You come right to me and I'll sort him out " Natsu explained setting his fist on fire to prove his point.

He'll probably never stop being overprotective of me so I'm just gonna have to get used to it.

I just nodded and smiled at my older brother.

Everyone then looked into the arena when the announcer started yelling.

Lucy had a determined look on her face and turned to all of us

" I call this one, I gotta redeem myself after what happened on the first day," She said not taking no for an answer.

We all let her go and wished her good luck. I noticed Natsu looking a little worried. Awww. I hopped off the wall and gently nudged him making him look at me.

" Stop worrying, Natsu. She'll be fine." I reassured him.

He gave me a nod as a thank you but you could still tell he was worried just not as much as before.

" Now's your chance, Lucy go get um!"Natsu yelled

" If she uses Aquarius, she could take um all out at once" Gray added.

"Let's cheer for her as hard as we can" Erza recommended

" Right" Wendy and I agreed together.

The battle was in full force and a bunch of people got knocked out of the water sphere leaving just Lucy and the Sabertooth wizard. Minerva. The lady who stopped mine and Natsu's rampage on Sabertooth. The lady who kidnapped Happy and (E/N).

The 5-minute rule was now in play. If Lucy gets knocked out of the water sphere, she'll get last place.

" Come on, Lucy!" I yelled.
She looked at all of us and smiled. She went in for a blow on Minerva but got hit instead with some sort of the blast.

Minerva now had Lucy keys, without them she can't fight. Lucy was about to be knocked out of the water sphere when a blast appeared behind her and threw her back in.

This went on for a while until the 5 minutes were up. That's the only good thing that's happening right now. The pumpkin guy called off the fight since if he didn't Lucy could have been killed. Minerva was holding her outside the sphere by her neck. She wasn't moving!

All of us jumped over the wall yelling.

" LUCY!"

Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and like always the next chapter will be up next week. See ya. 

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