Chapter 47

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(Y/N)'s P.O.V

While all the other teams broke off by themselves or into teams of 2 or 3, the others and I just stood in line, side by side, with our eyes closed.
I could hear everyone cries of confusion back in the arena. I just smiled slightly at our strategy.
(Time skip)
Apparently, Sting beat Bacchus, who happened to be the leader of his team and got 5 points meaning Sabertooth was in the lead while Quatro Puppy had all their members defeated.

" Roger!" We all yelled as Master Mavis gave us the signal somehow and we all broke from our positions. Each of us going in a different direction.

" Finally, the team from Fairytail have sprung into action" I heard the commentator yell to the audience who were more than pleased that my team and I finally decided to move and start fighting.

I have finally reached the coordinates master Mavis told me to go to and just as she predicted, Rufus from Sabertooth tried taking out my entire team with the same trick he used on the first day.

I easily dodged it and kept on running.

Fairytail was now in a three-way tie with Sabertooth and Lamia Scale for 1st place after some of the others defeated some of the other team members.

I could see on the Lacrima vision screen that Gray was going up against Rufus. He made it pretty clear that he was the one who should beat him when Master Mavis was telling us the plan for the games.

(Time skip)

I was running to the spot Master Mavis told me to go to but I couldn't find anybody. Come on, this is getting ridiculous. I have to fight somebody. Gray had already beaten Rufus and gained our 1st place. I need to at least get some points.

I was running past an alleyway and saw someone hiding. I stopped in my tracks and went to go and see who it was, hopefully getting some points. But when I turned the corner, into the alleyway, what I found was really surprising.

Sting was sitting, slouched against the wall looking like he was in deep thought.

Why the hell isn't he out there fighting and getting his team back in 1st place?

I walked cautiously towards him. Getting ready to defend me if he suddenly decides to attack.

I think he knew I was here because he glanced at me through the corner of his eye but went back to staring at the wall in front of him, staying completely silent. He seemed sad for some reason.

" Sting?" I called to get his attention.

" What d' you want?" He asked not even bothering to look at me and just kept staring at the wall.

I shrugged and replied

" just wondering why you're  here hiding and looking upset when I thought you'd be out on the field, winning points for your team."

He didn't answer for a minute and I was debating whether I should fight him or leave him be. He seems really down so I probably should go and find someone else to fight.

I turn to leave when Sting finally found his voice.

" She took him. She took  Lector."

The only person who came to mind was Minerva. She would do something like this but I wasn't too sure.

"Who?" I asked softly sitting against the wall, not right beside him but close enough to have a conversation.

" M'lady. She said that if I don't win the games for Sabertooth, I'm never going to see him again" Sting admitted. 

I cannot believe that Minerva would do such a thing. Taking someone's best friend from them just to win a game.

"Minerva took Lector?" I explained, disgusted at how heartless she was being.

Sting just simply nodded, again not even looking at me.

" There has to be some way to get him back. An easier way"

He shook his head.

" No, there is no other way" I could tell by the way his voice cracks that he was close to tears.

I patted his back, soothingly, trying to calm him down.

" Listen, I have to get back to the games. I'm sure you'll get Lector back, even without winning the games. I'm sure of it. " And with that, I ran off trying to find someone to fight.


I was walking down the street and got to the place master Mavis told me to go. Now I just wait and someone will eventually come along for me to finally fight.

Then from behind me, I heard someone yelling.

" Sky God, Roar!"

Hey, guys hope you enjoyed this chapter. How did you guys like that little part with Sting? Do you want me to change it or leave it as it is? Let me know in the comments. Bye guys.

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