Chapter 40

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(Y/N)'s P.O.V

The footsteps stopped a few feet behind me. I didn't have to look to know who it was.

" Nows really not a good time, Laxus," I told my boyfriend not bothering to turn and face him.

I heard him sigh and move to stand by my side.

" Ok, we both know that wasn't a simple dream you have back there. The only time someone talks or screams in their sleep is if you were having a nightmare and a pretty bad one at that. So I'm going to give you the chance to tell me. What happened?" Laxus questioned

I didn't really want to tell him. It was just a dream. I seemed so real though. Like it was a vision of the future. I guess he would see right through me if I lied.

I finally turned to face him. Tears threatening to fall from my eyes.

Laxus brought me into a hug and let me cry into his chest.

" It was horrible. Everything was on fire and destroyed. The only person I saw was Lucy. No one else" I explained

Laxus held me tighter as I continued to cry.

" There were dragons surrounding us and we were about to be attacked before I woke up" I continued to cry into Laxus' chest wanting nothing more than to forget the entire dream.

I felt Laxus shift so I wasn't pressed against his chest anymore but was still close to him and in his arms. I looked at the ground, still crying.

" Hey, look at me?. " He asked

I shook my head and continued to look at the ground.

" I said. Look at me"

I felt Laxus put his finger under my chin lifting it until my teary (E/C) eyes met his stormy grey ones.

" It was only a dream, ok? It wasn't real. You're here, your safety and there are no dragons, nothings destroyed or up in flames. You're ok. " He reassured me.

I smiled weakly up at him before grabbing the edge of his coat and pulling him into a kiss.

I felt him smirk into the kiss before he started kissing me back.

We basically making out when someone coughing interrupted us.

I pulled away from Laxus and turned to our interrupter.

Natsu was standing in front of us, his arms crossed with  Gajeel, Wendy, Gray, Lucy and the exceeds behind him.

" Sorry to interrupt your little make-out session, (Y/N), but I've got something to show you. Come on " Gajeel complained

They all started walking away as I turned to Laxus again.

"Do you really have to go with them. I was having fun before they came?" Laxus complained

I giggled slightly at him.

" Laxus, I'll go, see what its all about and I'll come straight back. Then we can continue on what we were doing. How does that sound?" I suggested to him, putting my arms around his neck, smiling slightly.

He nodded before leaning down and kissing me again.

" Oi (Y/N). Stop kissing Laxus and come on, we gotta go!" Natsu yelled at me getting impatient.

We must have been there longer than expected. Oops.

Laxus and I just laughed slightly and  Laxus gave me a peck on the cheek

" Don't take too long?" He said before going back inside.

I quickly ran over to my brother and the others

" Took you long enough, can't get enough of him huh?" Gajeel teased

To get back at him, I slapped him on the back of the head, making Natsu, Happy and Gray laugh.


( Time Skip)

We are now in a giant cave which is really dark and really creepy.

Natsu, Wendy, Gajeel and I are all walking next to each other with the exceeds behind us and Lucy and Gray behind them. 

" So um, what did you find down here?" Wendy asked timidly

" Pipe down and keep up." Was Gajeel's only answer to the little girl.

" Why did you only bring us?" Natsu asked next.

Why did he only bring us? I'm only now just wondering that.

I heard Happy suggest that maybe it was something to do with dragon slayer magic.

If that's the case, why didn't he bring Laxus? He's a dragon slayer as well.

Carla made a comment about if it was about dragon slayer magic, why were Lucy and Gray here.

" We can't help being curious." Was Lucy's reply

We just walked in silence until we came across a huge ditch in the ground. What on Earth?

Gajeel stopped a few feet ahead of us.

" This is it" He announced to the group.


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