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\Operation Misshap/

Mikey's POV
I sat on the roof of Shredder's lair. My brothers, Leo, Raph, and Donnie, were in the other three corners. We were planning on blowing up the metal man's lair tonight, so this was probably the most important mission we've ever done.

Boo. Ya. Ki. Sha.

I heard the sound of birds calling; the sound Leo decided was the signal. Unsheathing my chucks, I jumped down into the building, careful to land in the shadows. I had messed up so many countless times before, and there was no way I would let the team down now.

I didn't hear my bros land, so that probably meant they had perfected their landing. I wish I was as skilled as they are.

As I glided over the rails, I heard the same bird call sound. What the pizza does that mean? Why didn't anyone tell me what it meant? Ooooooh crap. This was a problem. On our most important mission, I forgot what a signal meant! My shell is toast!

But... maybe that was just a bird! Yeah, I bet an, um, hour's worth of pizza on it! My shell isn't toast after all. Sweet.

I made my way over to the edge of Shredder's lair, looking 30 feet down at our number one enemy. Shredder was chilling on his throne, talking to Rahzar and Fishface like it was a casual Friday. But in fact, it. is. Saturday! Ha ha, Shredder's so stupid.

I felt another presence and whirled around, ready to unleash my hot nunchuck fury on them. "Mikey!" A voice that sounded like Raph hissed. "Raph?" I asked. Why did he sound like he was way back at the roof?

"Mikey! What the shell are you doing over there, bro? Leo just gave the signal for us to come. Weren't you listening?" Raph said. I guess that explains why he sounded so far back. "I was listening!" I defended. "Didn't you hear him call it the first time? That was like, 10 minutes ago dude!"

I turned away from my second oldest brother. He could whine about how I mess up all he wants, but tonight, I won't let him bother me. Tonight, I'm going to be focused. And then, finally, my bros would respect me. They'll be so proud of me. Oh man, I can't wait!

I looked back down at Shredder. Or more correctly, where he should've been. Fishface, Rahzar, and the metal man were gone. "Uh-oh!" I said, shaking. I looked back at my bros, who were about 20 feet away. Talking about the plan. Without me.

Anger burned in my chest, and I suppressed it. As I always do. They didn't think they had to tell me the plan, huh? Fine. Whatever. I'll just go down there and whip some butt. That'll show them!

I smirked at them and silently slid down the wall, careful to make sure no one heard me. As I climbed down, I noticed this eerie silence. How could those baddies go from evilly plotting to complete and total silence? Maybe I should tell a joke, just to lighten the mood...

I landed on the ground with a thump, wincing at how loud it sounded. I turned in a full circle, scouting for enemies. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Leo, Donnie, and Raph signaling for me to get my shell back up there. Sorry dudes, I gotta do this.

"What's round, delicious, and goes great in noodle soup?" I asked myself aloud. "Turtles!" A deep voice behind me said.

A sickening BAM! sounded the air and a fiery pain came from my shell as I flew across the room. I heard my brothers call my name as I tried to sit up. "Actually," I said, dazed, "its pizza."

I stared up at my attacker, Rahzar. To his right was Fishface, and to his left... was Shredder himself. I felt myself start to shake in fear. I wasn't scared of Fishface or Rahzar, but Shredder was another story. That dude was as good as Master Splinter in a fight!

Rahzar growled and kicked me right in the plastron, making me slam back into the wall again. It really hurt to breathe right then. Just as Rahzar was about to kick me again, a sai came and hit his foot, and then Raph came and kicked him away. "Get your skeletal self away from my brother!" He snapped, eyes in white slits.

Leo and Donnie were distracting Fishface, so Raph rushed over and checked me out. "You okay little brother?" He asked me, concern shown on his face. I nodded, but it was a lie. My breathing still hurt super bad. I'm pretty sure I have three broken ribs and a couple bruised ones. My shell wasn't damaged, thankfully, but it still hurt.

Raph scowled at me, his eyes back to their normal green selves, and said, "Don't lie to me Mikey. You're not okay, are ya?" I shifted my weight, trying to stand up. "I'm... fine... dude," I said through clenched teeth. Raph gently pushed me back down. "No, you're not. You are going to wait here, and when we're done, Don will check ya out. Okay?" Raph asked, though I knew that he was really ordering me to. I frowned and nodded. I didn't want him to go, but I also knew that this mission was as important as pizza.

"Don't worry bro," Raph said while he smiled at me, eyes becoming white again. "We'll get 'em back for ya." With that he gave me a quick hug and returned to battle, taunting Rahzar, who had just recovered.

I sat against the wall, my eyes closed in pain. Rahzar's been improving on his skills since last time.

"Well, turtle," a voice from beside me bellowed. My eyes flew open just as Shredder delivered a lethal kick to my plastron. The pain nearly blinded me for a second. Okay, change the 'possible 3 broken ribs' to a 'definite 7 broken ribs.' Ouch.

I cried out in pain, one hand supporting my plastron and the other reaching for my chucks. I should have noticed that Shredder wasn't with Fishface or Rahzar.

"Not so fast!" Shredder said, stomping on my right hand, the one reaching for my chucks. I screamed in agony as I glanced at my hand, bent at an unnatural angle. My breathing was heavy and sounded rattled. Never before have I experienced such pain.

"You're coming with-" Shredder was about to say, before Rahzar and Fishface slammed into him, sending all three through the wall. I felt exhausted; my body was demanding sleep. I could see my bros rush towards me, but I didn't get up. Probably couldn't get up.

I sleepily looked down at my plastron. There was a tiny grey line across it, but other than that and my broken ribs, it seemed fine.

Three green blurry things stopped in front of me, saying things that I right now couldn't understand. The tallest blob with a blue bandana was... no, that was Liam. He had blue, I think. This color was, um, it was, uhh... purple! Yeah! Who had purple though? Was it Derrick? Duke? No, it wasn't either of those. Oh yeah!

"Daisy," I said, motioning to to the puprle one.

I guess that wasn't right because the blobs were yelling now. Especially the red one. If only I knew his name. What did it start with? I think it was an R, maybe. Yeah, it was, actually. The R blob was a boy, I believe. No, wait, a girl. I don't know, it looked like a girl. Who knows?

To be on the safe side, I will name the R blob: Red-Mad-Face. Perfect.

I saw blackness close around me, and I welcomed it. I needed to sleep anyway.

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