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Leo's POV

"Mikey!" I called, shaking my baby brother's arm. What happened to him? And what the shell did he mean by scratch?

"Calm down Leo," Donnie said, placing a hand on my shoulder. "He just passed out. He should be awake in an hour, though." I sighed in relief. "Donnie? What do you think he meant by scratch?" I asked my purple banded brother. He sighed deeply, rubbing the back of his neck.

"I don't know, Leo," he told me, staring longingly at Mikey. "It could be that when he was out he had a memory about one, or maybe he received it when he was fighting. There's about a million possibilities as to-"

"Is he awake?" Raph asked from the door of the lab. I was about to scold him on interrupting, but I saw the sad and guilty look on his face. I inwardly sighed; I knew that Raph probably blamed himself three times as much as I blamed myself. He always felt bad when something happened to Mikey. We all did, but he felt it most.

"He was for a second, but then he passed out," I said. Alarms went off in Raph's eyes. "But he's fine. Donnie said he'll be awake in an hour," I reassured my immediate younger brother. He nodded, glancing sadly at Mikey.

¥- Time skip to an hour later because I feel like it -¥

Raph's POV

I waited beside Mikey's bed while the others ate pizza, needing to be the first one Mikey saw.

When he wakes up, I'm going to hug him.

Then demand an explanation as to why he went down without us, or at least, without me.

Then I would hug him again.

And officially kill him.

"Do you know how much you scared me Mikey?" I whispered semi-angrily to him. "I thought you were a goner, bro. Oh, and, if you ever, and I mean ever, do something so... advancedly stupid again... I. Will. Beat. You. To. A. PULP!"

After I said that I quickly, and making sure no one was looking, hugged him tight. I whispered comforting things to him before I let go.

I pondered the things I was going to say to him just as a machine started beeping. I froze, not sure if I should get Donnie or not. "R- Raph?" A weak voice asked. With wide eyes I stared down at Mikey, waiting for him to move or talk again.

"Yeah?" I asked him, shaking a bit. "Pizza," he said, eyes fluttering open to reveal his baby blues. I laughed nervously, not sure what to do. "D- Donnie and Leo have s- some," I said, not proud of the fact that I was stuttering.

He nodded and tried to sit up. "Woah! Hold up there, bro!" I said, pushing him down on the bed. "First of all, ya need to rest. Second, I have a few things I need to say to you." Mikey's eyes widened and he gulped, making guilt flicker throughout my body.

"First, I need to hug you. If you tell anyone, though, I will put you in his bed for an additional year." I hugged him and patted his head, joy overpowering my anger at him. I was just too glad that he was actually awake.

"Next," I said as I let go, a scowl on my face. "Ya better explain why the shell ya went down there without us." Mikey grinned a little. "I don't know. It was just a booyakisha moment, dude."

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