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\The Scratch/

Raph's POV

We had carried Mikey all the way back to Donnie's lab when he passed out, fearing the worst. Well, I had anyway. I was afraid he lost his mind. Calling Donnie Daisy.

We set him down on the lab cot, carefully, since Donnie said he had a couple broken ribs. Donnie flew to each of the machines, hooking them up to our littlest brother. Finally, my extremely patient self grew impatient.

"Donnie!" I said. "What is taking so long? Why isn't he waking up?" "I'm going as fast as I can Raph," Donnie said, concentrated. "Give me a second. Or two. Or three." I held a fist an inch away from his beak. "I'll give you two or three punches to the face if he doesn't wake up soon." Donnie paled and quickly went back to work. I stomped to the other end other room, and was joined by Leo. Ugh.

Leo frowned at me. "Raph, calm down," he said. I mentally blew myself up.

Whenever he had that tone of voice, I knew that a lecture was going to come. And those lectures were long, boring ones. Filled with... well, I can't remember. Probably 'cause I never listen.

"Donnie's trying his best," Leo said. "His best isn't good enough!" I snapped. "What happens if Mikey..." I felt myself start to choke up and cleared my throat. "What if he doesn't make it? What of we're too late? What if Donnie-" "I can't save all my patients!" Donnie yelled, whirling around to face me, anger in his eyes.

"I ain't asking ya to save all your patients!" I shouted back. "I'm just asking ya to save this one!"

"What do you think I'm trying to do, Raph?" Donnie yelled at me. "Open my own Pizza Shop?" I growled and tackled him to the ground, both of us ignoring Leo's shouts for us to stop. When I had him pinned, I shoved a finger on Donnie's plastron. "You are the doctor! You are Mikey's older brother! You are supposed to make sure that. he. lives!" I barked. Donnie flinched and sighed.

I stood up and brushed my way past Leo, who was giving me a dirty look. Screw them! They don't know how important Mikey is to me. My baby brother. My ray of sunshine. My fire that keeps me going.

My everything.

Leo's POV

Geez. Raph could be a real jerk sometimes. Especially when it came to protecting one of us; specifically, protecting Mikey. I sighed. I know that he doesn't it show it much, and that in fact, he shows the complete opposite to him, but he really is protective of Mikey.

I glanced over at a trembling Donnie, who was still working on helping Mikey. Sometimes, too protective of him.

"Hey, Donnie?" I asked my second youngest brother. He looked up at me, tears in his eyes. "What's wrong bro?" He sighed, shakily, and looked over at Mikey. I did too. "Well," he said. "I- I- I think Raph had a point."

I was shocked. Never in a million bajillion years would I ever expect those words to leave anybody's mouth. Or whatever they speak with, I suppose.

"Donnie," I said carefully. "What do you mean?" He wiped his eyes and looked down. "H- he said that- that- that I'm Mikey's older brother. And that I'm- I'm supposed to be the- the- the doctor. And that I need- I need to make sure that, that Mikey lives," he said, stuttering.

I felt a wave of empathy for him. "Don, don't listen to him. You, Raph, and I know that you're doing your best. Raph is just super worried about Mikey. Our little brother will pull through. No problem."

He seemed to relax when I said that, and I smiled to myself. "You're right, Leo," Donnie smiled. "Thanks!" He turned back to work on Mikey, and I watched for a bit.

I stared at my youngest brother, tears threatening to form. He looked like he was in pain, a wince painted on his face. If only I had been a better leader- no, a better brother. I should've been watching him, or forced him to come back. Why would I think that Mikey would listen to signals? Why didn't I notice he was leaving? Ugh! This is all my fault!

Mikey's POV

The one thing that kept going through my mind: The scratch. I'm not sure why. I mean, my bros are the most important thing to me in the world. Along with pizza, of course. So why is the only thing I think about the scratch?

I felt pain and heard voices, but they seemed so distant. Like in those one movies. One major feeling I had was sleeping. But I knew I couldn't do that for two reasons. One, I will need to get back to my bros. Two, I knew that I had to figure out what that scratch was. Because something about it was off.

But then again, I'm really sleepy...

No! Wake up, Mikey! Get up! Uhh, um, no sleeping! Ugh, I suck at inspiring myself. Okay, think Mikey. Wait, never mind. That usually doesn't end well.

But what is something you like more than anything? Oh yeah!


My body twitched for a moment, then I was hit with a major surge of hyperness. I sat up and blinked, staring into the shocked faces Leo and Donnie. I opened my mouth to ask them a million questions.

How did I get here? Where is here? Where is Raph? Have I eaten today? Why does my plastron feel like Raph sat on it? Do either of you have any pizza? Why are you staring at me like that? What happened?

But I didn't ask those questions. I was only able to say one thing before I passed out: "Scratch?"

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