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Mikey's POV

I landed on the table with a hiss, my hands hitting the wooden surface first.

I had no idea what Shredder planned to do to me, but I knew it wasn't good. But it doesn't matter what he does. Tomorrow night, Donnie and I are escaping.

I went stiff as the footbots strapped me down, really wanting to get this over with.

"It seems you don't want to tell me anything," Shredder said, towering above me.

"Wow, did you figure that out all by yourself?" I muttered, not making eye contact with him.

I could hear Shredder growl and felt a metal hand wrap around my mostly healed throat, forcing me to turn and look at him.

"I can't kill you yet," he said, visibly holding himself back. My eyes widened in fear. "You're far too valuable. But yet, your brother hasn't been in here, has he? Perhaps he would like to speak with me, hmm?"

I tried to speak, but could only wheeze out my protest. Shredder squeezed my neck once and then let go, barking out for the footbots to get Donnie.

I gasped and took in a few deep breaths, then shot daggers at Shredder.

"I- I- I'm sorry!" I said through my clenched teeth as Donnie was brought into the room. "I am! J- Just don't..." I took another breath. "Hurt him!"

Shredder looked at me and then at Donnie, who was trying to tell me something with his eyes.

"Leave the two freaks to talk," he said, "I want to see what they decide."

The footbots waited until Shred-Head had left, then followed after him.

"Mikey, you have to let me take this one for you," Donnie said to me, seriousness in his eyes. I shook my head, trying to get up. I looked back down and remembered the restraints.

Donnie looked at them too, guilt in his eyes.

"Mikey, I need to do this. If I don't, there's a chance you could die. Die, Mikey! Die!" Donnie said to me, his hands on my shoulders. I shook my head again.

Donnie sighed, then gently turned my head to face him. "Mikey, if you don't let me do this, then I will tell Shredder where the lair is at.

Donnie's POV

Disgust, shock, and disbelief snapped onto Mikey's face.

Guilt flooded through me. I would never really tell that to Shredder, but I wasn't going to let Mikey take the risk of dying.

So its either lie to him and keep him safe, or abandon him.

"Fine," Mikey growled, turning away from me. I closed my eyes and sighed, barely able to keep back the tears.

Mikey really is my baby brother. And the only reason I'm doing this is to keep him safe.

"Alright Shredder," I said as I stood up. "We've made our decision. I'm going to stay. You can take Mikey back to the cell."

There was nothing for a few seconds, but then the door creaked open, revealing the man of evil himself.

Shredder slowly made his way over to us, then stopped in front of me and Mikey, who was staring at him in fear and guilt.

"What was your decision?" He asked me again, a glimmer of something in his eyes. I held back my glare and said, "We decided that I would stay here and that Mikey would go back to the cell."

Shredder turned to Mikey. "I want to hear it from you," he said.

"But I already told you!" I protested, knowing how much it would hurt Mikey if he had to say it. "We agreed on it!"

Shredder smirked at me. "That's what you said. I want to hear what he says," he replied, bending down so that his face was only a few inches from Mikey's.

Mikey's light blue eyes stared up in fear at Shredder. He guilty looked towards me, and I nodded for him to continue.

Whatever happens to me might hurt too, but I knew this would hurt Mikey even more. So in a way, he's stronger than all of us.

Which makes him a little miracle.

"I- I- I..." Mikey trailed as a tear slipped down his face. "Take Donnie..."

¥- Three hours later -¥

Mikey's POV

I sat in the cell for what felt like ever, guilt consuming me more and more every second.

I finally heard the squeak of the door open and I looked up, drying my tears.

A footbot shoved Donnie to the ground, and I scooted over to him as fast as I could.

I gasped when I looked at him. His left eye was bruised and swollen, he had a few scratches on his plastron, and a cut on his thigh.

Tears fell down my face as he sat up, giving me a forced smile.

"I'm sorry D!" I cried, hugging him as best I could. "I shouldn't have done that! I was so, so stupid!"

"Don't say that!" Donnie snapped, pulling back from the hug to glare at me. "You're not stupid. I made you make that decision, remember? It's not your fault. If anyone, it's mine. I'm your older brother. It's my job to protect you, Mikey, and I should've done it earlier. Don't blame yourself, okay?"

I sniffled and cried softly, but still nodded. "But I still feel bad. You're hurt because of me," I added.

"Did you do this to me, Mikey?" Donnie asked me, pointing to his cut. "Did you give a black eye? Did you cut me?"

"Feels like it," I muttered, earning a hard stare from my immediate older brother.

"Did you give me a black eye or cut me?" Donnie asked again, firmer this time. I shook my head slowly. "No, you didn't," Donnie said. "Shredder did. And tomorrow, we're getting out of here. Got it?"

I nodded a little more enthusiastically this time, bringing a smile to Donnie's face. "Good. Should we go over the plan?" He asked, and I nodded once more.

"Okay. So, when they come to feed us, we'll take the food like normal. Then when they leave, we'll try to spiritually contact Leo, since he's probably meditating. We'll tell him to wait for us. Once we reach him we'll use the bone I found as a lock pick. We'll make our way out of here and meet Leo and Raph outside the lair. Think you can remember that?" He asked me.

I nodded, trying not to think of all the things that could go wrong.

Tomorrow night, we'll be free. We'll see Raph and Leo and eventually Sensei.

But if something goes wrong, I'll make sure one of us gets away. And I'll make sure it isn't me.

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