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¶Yeah, this is another chapter. I just felt sooooooo bad about putting you guys on hold for another time. I'm going to work on this story first and then the other one. I promise, no more putting this story on hold.¶

\A Different Kind Of Torture/

Leo's POV

I shot out of my bed, shaking from the nightmare I had.

Where Mikey and Donnie were already dead.

I took a deep breath, then another, and another. "C- Calm down L- Leo," I told myself, unable to stop shaking. "It was just a d- dream."


I gave myself a light slap, then headed to the kitchen.

As I poured myself a cup of coffee, I looked around. I looked at how clean the place was, not yet touched by my little brother's hands. I heard nothing, which was rarely ever heard within the lair.

Mikey wasn't here.

I quickly drank my coffee and put it in the sink, heading to the living room to watch Space Heroes. Anything, really, just to get my mind off of the nightmare. Raph wasn't up yet so we couldn't talk about the plan.

I sat there, remote frozen in my hand. I slowly looked over to my right. Donnie's lab was there.

I could see that the door was still closed, which meant he hadn't gone in there yet to begin his work tinkering. No noise came through the steel doors, yet another sound that wasn't often heard in the lair.

Donnie wasn't here.

They both weren't here. Donnie hasn't been here in three days and Mikey hasn't been here in six.

"Come on guys," I prayed, praying beyond anything I've ever prayed before. "Please, please, please, be alive. You just have to be."

Mikey's POV

I sat up, the sound of the door screeching open making my heart race with fear.

They've come for me again.

Donnie was still asleep, mumbling. I moved my wrists a little, wincing. Even though they had gotten better, they were still broken.

"Get. up," Shredder said, petrifying me.

He snapped his fingers, three footbots grabbing my wrists. I screamed at the pain as they dragged me out, waking Donnie up in the process.

Donnie sat up and looked over at me, eyes filled with fear and anger.

"You could stop this before it starts," Shredder told Donnie, motioning for the footbots to stop. I looked over at Shredder. What did he mean?

"All you have to do is tell me where you lair is, where Hamato Yoshi is, and where your brothers are," Shredder said simply.

"Don't do it Donnie!" I shouted before he could answer. "If you do, I'll never ever speak to you again! Ya hear me, Donnie? Don't! Tell! Him!"

"If you don't tell me, your brother will be beaten severely. And his blood will be on your hands. Quite literally," Shredder laughed.

I frowned. What did he mean by quite literally? Has Shredder gone completely wacko?

"Don't want to tell me, hmm?" Shredder asked Donnie, only earning a sad glare from my brother. "Fine."

I watched in horror as Shredder yanked Donnie out of our cell and throw him to three footbots next to me.

"No!!! Stop it Shred-Head!!! You won't hurt Donnie!" I shouted at him as the footbots dragged both of us away. Shredder looked at me and chuckled.

"I'm not going to hurt him," he purred evilly.

"He's going to hurt you."

¶Sorry for short chapter!!¶

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