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Leo's POV

I sat on the rooftop of Shredder's lair with Donnie and Raph, like we did before. Except this time, without Mikey.

'Self guilt later,' I thought. 'Your baby brother is depending on you to do this. Well, assuming he's alive, that is...'

'He has to be. I just... feel it.'

I shook my head to clear my thoughts and looked at my remaining brothers. Their eyes were white- mine probably were too- and their weapons were readied.

"Are you guys ready?" I asked them. Donnie nodded and Raph cracked his knuckles. "As ready as I'll ever be," he stated with a twirl of his sais. "Let's get Mikey back." I smiled at my red banded brother and nodded.

Tonight, we get back our sunshine.

Mikey's POV

I screamed in pain as the blows were landed. Shredder had chained me up, by my broken hands of course, to a large wooden pole. Every second was beyond any pain I have ever felt; even more pain than when I was in the cell. I couldn't feel my hands, but I could feel that excruciating pain.

After I had been hung up on this pole, Shredder had grabbed a metal baseball bat and began hitting me.

"P- p- p- pl- please s- st- st- op," I stuttered between blows. Shredder laughed and delivered a particularly hard blow to my elbow, spraining it. Tears rocketed out of my eyes. "I'll stop," Shredder said, "when you tell me where your lair is!" I grit my teeth and shut my eyes, forgetting that doing so had gotten me here in the first place.

"Stupid, useless, idiotic, retarded, unteachable, freaking, turtle!" Shredder yelled, and with each word he hit my ribs as hard as he could. "AAAAHHHHHHH!" I screamed. Oh god, where are my brothers?!

'I told you. They. Aren't. Coming!' Ahriman said.

My breathing became ragged and heavy. My throat was raw and scratchy and hurt like shell. My ribs, which were still healing from my earlier encounter with cheese face, were now broken. Except all of my ribs were broken this time.

Shredder was breathing heavily too, and he dropped the bat. A few red drops of blood were on it. My, few drops of blood. "I can't kill you yet," Shredder told me as be pulled out the keys to my chained wrists. He unlocked them and I fell to the ground harshly, coughing up blood.

"But I can make you wish I do."

Donnie's POV

It's been about two days since Mikey was taken, and I think I'm going to lose my mind. He's been the only thing I think about.

Not April.

Not Casey.

Not my inventions.

Not pizza.

Just..... Mikey.

Mikey; my only little brother. The one who makes me laugh. The one who makes me smile. Sure, I lose my temper at him sometimes, but I would never wish this upon him. How I just wish I could trade places with him....

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