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¶I've been working on this other TMNT story called: Mother, Mother. It's where Mikey starts to want a mom really bad, and sets off on his own to find his turtle mom. If you don't care, you don't have to read it. Just thought I'd mention it :P.¶

\A Choice To Make/

Donnie's POV
I shook Mikey's arm carefully, trying to get him up.

"Mikey? Mike? Mikey? Michael?" I whispered. "Michelangelo!" Mikey suddenly sat up, looking around the cage in extreme fear. His breathing was heavy, and I knew he was going to go into a panic attack.

Pulling him close, I took some water from my kit and poured it into his mouth. There was a month's worth water, so I gave him as much as he needed. "There ya go," I said, handing him the bottle. "Whoa now! Easy. Easy. There."

When he finished the bottle he closed his eyes. "Donnie?" He finally asked, calming me down. "Yeah?" I replied, hugging him again. "Am I going to die?"

The question caught me off guard. What should I tell him? The more accurate assumption was a yes, but I can't let him know that. If a person gives up, then they're more likely to die. But I don't want to give him false hope, either.

"I don't think so," I eventually said, my cheek on his head. "Leo and Raph will come for us." Mikey nodded and I heard his stomach growl. "Hungry?" I asked him.

Mikey looked up at me sadly, nodding. "But what about you?" He asked me as I opened a can of beans for him. "Aren't you hungry?" I watched him eat the can, my own stomach hungry for some. But Mikey hasn't eaten in who knows how long; I'm not going to eat unless necessary. Besides, there's a total of four months food in there. Divide it up and there's two months for both of us.

Sooooo glad I brought my big med kit.

"I'm not hungry. How're your hands?" I asked, ready in case a panic attack occurs. But one didn't happen, even though Mikey seemed a bit frightened. "They don't hurt too much anymore," he replied with a smile. I smiled too, until I heard the screech of a metal door open.

"Its Shredder!" Mikey whispered, clutching me. I quickly put everything back in the kit and put that in my shell just as metal man came to our cage.

"Hello..... turtles," Shredder snarled, grasping the bars in fury. I hugged Mikey, not even the least bit afraid of Shredder. If he wanted my little brother, he was going to get one shell of a fight from me, first.

I saw Shredder look at us, then his eyes crinkle in an evil smile. "Ah..... I see," he said.

"You know, brat, you caused a lot of damage yesterday," he said, something suspicious creeping into his voice. I growled and stroked a whimpering Mikey's head. "So I'm going to cause a lot of damage to you."

I chuckled. It didn't matter what he did to me. But if he did anything to Mikey...

A foot bot came from behind and kicked me away before I could react. Grabbing a helpless Mikey, it started to drag him to the cell doors.

I growled and reached back for my Bo Staff, finding that it wasn't there. Silent cursing, I raised my fists and charged the droid.

"Get your robotic hands off of my brother!" I shouted and kicked the robot away from the closed cell door, upon which it exploded with sparks when it hit the wall. I grabbed my crying little brother and dragged him back.

But before I could get far, a cold metal hand grabbed my neck and lifted me off the ground. My hold on Mikey slipped and I let go of him, and he was instantly carried away by two other foot bots.

Shredder laughed and threw me down, leaving and closing the cell behind him. I immediately ran to the bars- ignoring the forming purple bruise on my neck- and reached out of them, the anger crashing through me so bad that I needed to hurt one of them.

"You monster!!" I shrieked. "I'm gonna kill you for this!!! I'm gonna tear you to shreds!! I'm gonna make you suffer!!!! You're going to pay!!!"

Shredder stopped but nodded for the foot bots to cart Mikey away.

"Donnie!" Mikey cried, trying to get away. "Mikey!" I shouted after him as the foot bots carted him away. "No!"

"So, you threaten to kill me for torturing him? Your younger brother?" Shredder asked me, humor lacing his voice.

"Its not a threat, Shredder," I growled lowly, "its a promise."

Shredder was silent for a moment, then started to laugh. "You have guts," he sighed. "I respect that. But don't think that means I will lessen what happens to your brother."

I gripped the bars in fury, tears streaming down my face. "Why?" I asked him hoarsely. "Why him?! Why didn't you take me?!?! Why?!?!?!?!"

Shredder shook his head and walked away. "Because, freak, that's what you'd have wanted."

I slowly slid down the cell door, sobbing. My poor, sweet, innocent baby brother was getting tortured instead of me. Tortured, because Shredder probably wanted answers. Answers that I can't give him. And until I give him answers, or until Leo and Raph free us, Shredder will beat Mikey.

So I have a choice to make.

Betray my two older brothers.

Or betray my baby brother.

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