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\Missing Mikey/

Raph's POV

I sat down on the roof of an old thrift shop, spinning my sais on my finger. Usually I would be out there with Leo and Donnie, kicking some Purple Dragon or Foot butt, but today, I didn't really feel like doing that. One, there were no butts to kick. Two, my mind kept wandering back to Mikey.

'Maybe I should tell the others we need to go back and check on Mikey...'

'Are you crazy? Show them that we care? Our reputation will be ruined forever! I say we wait until Leo orders us to go back. Showing that we care will only make it worse. What happens if Donnie or Leo tell someone about how you showed you cared? What if the person they tell tells someone and on and on and on? That could get out to your enemies, who will use our little ray of sunshine, Mikey, as bait. No way. We wait.'

'Pssh. None of those ideas. Mikey is finnnne. You all worry too much. The little goofball can take care of himself.'

'What happens if he can't though? What if somebody sneaks into the lair while he is asleep or something and takes him?! Oh god! What if Shredder has him?'

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