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\Leo's Memory/

Leo's POV

I woke up quietly, Mikey's leg on my stomach and my arm on his.

I thought back to when I had promised to watch over Mikey, but ended up taking him into here when he woke up asking for Raph. I smiled to myself, knowing that Raph would feel proud because of it.

I took in every scar along my baby brother's body, hatred flowing through my veins. My smile had dropped to a frown, what Donnie told us coming back to mind.

Shredder is so lucky he's dead...

My frown deepened as I realized that Donnie hadn't even told us everything that had happened. But honestly, I'm not sure if I want to know.

I carefully eased myself right next to Mikey, relaxing.

He's safe now. We'd all give our lives for him. I'd give my life for him...

*Flashback to when turtles were 10 years old*

Michelangelo- who, along with his brothers, just received his mask- stood in the kitchen, head barely above the counter where he was making dessert.

"Hey Mikey," an also young Leonardo said, still fiddling with his blue mask tails.

Michelangelo turned around with a grin, the orange mask that covered the whole top half of his face making him seem even happier. "Hey Leo!" He chirped, bouncing up and down. "Do you wanna cook with me?"

Leonardo couldn't help but smile at his brother's eagerness for him to join. How he wished his other two brothers looked up to him like this...

"Sure, why not?" He said, earning a squeal and a hug from the cook. "So... what are you making?"

Michelangelo let go and grabbed the bowl, one leg bouncing with excitement. "Algae cookies!" He beamed.

Leonardo's stomach growled slightly, the only food they ever had eaten in cookie form making him hungry.

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