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¶I apologize. This is chapter nineteen. The last one is eighteen. I mixed it up. Again, sorry for the inconvenience

\A Special Wound/

Leo's POV

I woke up with a groan, covering my head with my pillow as the alarm clock kept blaring.

"Why won't you turn yourself off?" I asked it, smacking my hand on the table in a blind attempt to find it. I finally found it and smashed the top, relaxing in the silence.

But I sat up with a jolt, the events of last night popping into my mind.

"Mikey!" I cried, tumbling out of the covers. I tied on my bandana and opened my door, excited to see my youngest brother.

I ran to the lab doors, but froze, staring at them. Last night we had closed them, hadn't we? Did Donnie come in here?

No, he couldn't have. He went to bed the same time as us, and its only eight o clock now.

I felt my heartbeat increase and I squeezed through them. Looking around the lab, my eyes immediately went to the cot.

Mikey wasn't there.

"No, no, no, no, no!" I howled, slamming my fist on the bed. "How could I have been so careless?"

I took a deep breath, then began looking around the lab. I was hoping that maybe he was somewhere else in the lab. Maybe under a table or- or- or something.

I stopped moving and sighed, then kicked over the cot. "Dang it!" I shouted, seeing red. Mikey was gone- probably taken- by someone. And I didn't have a clue as to where to find him.

"Leo?" A voice from outside the lab said. Donnie.

"Donnie, you and Raph better get in here," I said, voice cracking. "What's wrong?" Raph asked, the first one in here. Donnie followed, also looking at me.

"And why is the cot..." Donnie didn't finish. He paled and looked up me, eyes wide. "Leo, where's Mikey?"

Raph finally caught on, his eyes also going wide. "Mikey!" He called, running around the lab like a mad man. "Mikey, where are you! Answer me, Mikey! This isn't funny! Mikey! MIKEY!"

I put a hand on Raph's shoulder to stop him, but he shrugged me off and kicked over a table. "Stupid, stupid, stupid!" He growled, chest heaving.

I saw Donnie look back at the doors, then sniff the air. Shock and confusion popped onto his face, and I grew suspicious.

"Donnie, what's that look about?" I asked him, one hand on Raph's back to comfort him. Raph also looked up at Donnie, crying.

"The doors, how did you find them?" He asked me. "The were partially open. Why?" I asked. Donnie frowned, but I could see hope on his face.

"If someone did come here, they would've forced the doors open, since they were closed. They wouldn't know how to open them. And do you smell that? It smells like eggs, which is probably coming from the kitchen. So-"

"So maybe no one took Mikey, after all. Maybe he's still here," I finished, Donnie and I chuckling from relief.

Raph, however, was not laughing.

"When I find him I am going to literally kill him. He gave me a heart attack!" Raph growled, stomping out of the lab.

Donnie and I shared a glance before following him, slightly worried.

I followed behind Raph as he busted open Mikey's door, a scowl on his face but relief in his eyes.

That quickly changed when he saw Mikey, who had a tear stained mask and a grimace on his sleeping face.

Raph rushed over to him, covering him in a blanket and hugging him closely. "What's wrong with him Donnie? Is he okay? What's happening?" Raph said quickly, gently rocking our youngest brother.

Donnie frowned and crouched down next to Mikey, examining him. "I'm not sure exactly," he said, "but it seems he exhausted himself out. Perhaps when he was making eggs he had used his hands. That would seem to be triggering the swelling of his hands and why he's crying."

I frowned, studying my now calm little brother. Why would he go to the trouble of doing this to himself just to make us breakfast?

I sighed, not wanting to question him. He's gone through so much lately, I don't even know what goes though his mind. I just pray that he'll get better...

"But on the bright side, most of his wounds seem to be healing. The whip marks are faint scars, his hands are getting better, his ribs are healing nicely, and everything else seems to be almost gone. Even his neck bruise!" Donnie babbled.

I shared a horrified glance with Raph. Whip marks? His ribs? Neck bruise? And what did he mean about 'everything else'?

"Wait a second, wait a second," Raph said, holding up his hands for Donnie to stop. You said 'most' of his wounds were better. Are there some that won't heal?"

Donnie bit his bottom lip, glancing back at Mikey again. "Well, um, there is one that I'm not entirely sure can be healed," he said, twisting his fingers.

"Which would be?" I asked, desperate to find a cure. If it was his hands, I would get the best doctors in the world to x-ray them. If it was his skinniness, I would order ten boxes of pizza for him.

Donnie looked back at me, sadness in his eyes, and said, "It's his mind, Leo. I don't know if he'll ever get past this."

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