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\Raph's Memory/

Raph's POV

I woke up yawning, feeling Mikey's chest rise up, then deflate again.

Never have I ever felt something so precious.

"You awake, Mikey?" I mumbled, raising my head to look at his. Mikey's eyes were still closed, and he was snoring lightly. I chuckled and put my head against his chest, needing to hear the sound again.

Thump. Thump. Thump.

I sighed happily as a great weight was lifted off my shoulders. Nothing would ever sound better than the heartbeat of my brother.

"I'm sorry Mike," I said quietly, stroking his light green face. "I wish it could've been me. I know you wouldn't like it, and that you would object, but I would've done just about anything to save you. I would've given my life for you. We all would've. You... you don't deserve this, never have and never will."

"But I can't change what happened. But I sure as heck can change what happens from now on. I ain't ever going to let ya out of my sight again. Never. And if anyone hurts you, I will get them back. I'll get them back before they hurt you. Okay? I know you might not like it, and you'll probably complain about how I baby you," I chuckled as another thought came to mind, "and you'll probably try to escape, now that I think about it. But you gotta know why I'm doing it."

I blinked back my tears, exhaling. "I'm doing it because I love you, Mikey. I always have, and I always will. You have no idea how horrific it felt when you were taken. The silence was so loud. My heart was just so... empty. And my brain was fried. I wasn't able to except that you were gone. That my baby brother was gone..."

I didn't hold them back anymore, letting the tears fall as I cried silently into Mikey.

"I'm never going to let you go, bro. I can't. This can't happen to you again. I don't want you to be hurt. I just... don't..." I trailed again, hugging him. Mikey groaned in his sleep, draping one leg over Leo's stomach as he wiggled around.

I laughed quietly, tears still streaming down my face.

A memory drifted into my mind and I replayed it, sighing.

*Flashback to when turtles were 7 years old*

Seven year old Michelangelo stood behind his second oldest brother, watching with wondrous eyes as the green eyed turtle attacked the training dummy.

"Hey Raphie," Michelangelo began, hands behind his back as he absent mindedly rocked back and forth on his green feet.

"Don't call me that," Raphael said as he delivered a reverse jumping side kick to the bag. "Now, what do you want?"

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