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¶Happy early birthday to sanata101

\Two Down/

Donnie's POV

I followed my two older brothers through Shredder's lair, watching out for Mikey's cell.

"I think its down here!" I whispered to them. They nodded and stood guard, weapons drawn and eyes white. I took a deep breath and calmed myself, trying not to be a nervous wreck.

I shakily made my way down the long, eerie hallway. "Stay cool, Donnie," I whispered to myself, scanning each cage for signs of life. Specifically, my little brother's life.

'If he's even alive, that is. The chances of that are about a 1 in 250 ratio. Most likely-'

I face palmed myself, trying to quiet the thought. "Faith," I encouraged myself, even though my heart was sinking. Only two cells left. All the others were empty.

"Mikey!" I whispered loudly. "You in here baby bro?"

"D- Donnie? What are you doing here?" A voice identical to Mikey's said. But.... he sounded like he was in pain. I swear, if Shredder hurt Mikey, I'm gonna release Raph on him so bad...

"Oh, you know, shopping for my wedding dress," I replied, hoping humor would cheer him up.

"No, no, no, no, no!" Mikey cried, then went into a coughing fit. My hand immediately went back to my shell, where I carried my med kit. Water, food, bandages, disinfection, anything in case of an emergency. Right now, I think I'm going to need it.

"You... you have to go... back to... the lair... with Leo and Raph..." Mikey coughed out, sounding as though he was trying not to alert someone. I began unlocking the cell I thought he was in, careful not to break any lock picks.

"I- it's... a trap... run!" Mikey said, just as I opened the door to his cage.

A trap? There was no one out there though...

Oh. Shell.

I flew backwards into the iron bars on the cage behind me, dazed.

"Donnie!" I heard Leo shout, he and Raph running this way. I stood up and joined my two other brothers, us three shell to shell. From out of Mikey's cage stepped Shredder, Fishface, Rahzar, and about 5 footbots.

"Well.... well...." Shredder smirked. "It seems your brothers did come after all." Raph growled beside me, an anger I haven't seen on his face before now present. "What the shell have you done to Mikey?!" He demanded, his chest heaving from anger.

Shredder chuckled. "The same thing I'm going to do to you."

With that, Fishface, Rahzar, and the footbots charged us. We held the footbots off well, but we were still busy with Fishface and Rahzar. I nodded to Leo and Raph, signaling that I was going to go try and free Mikey, and snuck into his cage.

"Get away... Donnie!" Mikey hissed from the shadows, and I could hear him grunt as he slowly scooted back along with the clinking of chains. My heart sank.

"No, Mikey!" I insisted, scooting a bit closer. "I'm your brother. And brothers look out for each other. I'll always be here." I heard the shuffling and clinking stop.

"I knew he was was wrong," I'm pretty sure I heard Mikey whisper. But that doesn't make sense. Who is the 'he' that he's talking about? I'll ask him later.

"Not going to get away so fast, hmm?" A deep, sinister voice behind me said. I whirled around but wasn't able to see the metal hand that sent me back into a wall a couple meters from Mikey.

"Stop it!" Mikey shouted as loud as he could, which was about his normal talking voice. "Leave him... leave... don't hurt him!" I shook my head and stood up, ready to defend my brother. "You don't negotiate with me, freak!" Shredder spat, his voice echoing across the large cell.

I took a deep breath and tried to isolate Shredder. But it was no use. I couldn't tell him from Mikey in this cage.

Another blow landed right on my head, stunning me. "Donnie? Donnie!" I heard Leo shout, then grunt as he most likely dodged an attack. "Go!" I shouted, grasping my head.

"We're not," a blow sounded, "leaving you two behind!" Raph snapped. "If you don't go, we'll all be stuck here!" I shouted. "Just... go. I'll look after Mikey."

I heard the lands of angry hits, then retreating footsteps. Later Leo. Later Raph.

"Aww, how touching," Shredder said nastily, as one of his kicks sent me next to a still-too-dark-to-see Mikey. "But you can't protect your brother."

I remember the last thing to see as Shredder hit me unconscious was the baby blue eyes of my baby brother.

¶Again, happy early b-day to sanata101!!!!¶

¶P.S. I'm sort for this short chapter. I know some of you have been waiting. Just a bit busy with stem camp and karate. I'll try to update sooner!😊¶

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