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Donnie's POV
I shook my head and opened my eyes, a dull throb in my temples.

"D... Do... Donnie?" Mikey whimpered hoarsely. It was still too dark to see him, but I knew that we didn't have our chains on. Unfortunately, however, we were still in the cell. Why not?

"Mikey? Are you okay? Are you hurt? How bad are you hurt?" I asked him, trying to get close to him and bring him to the light that I was under- one coming from a slot where a few bricks should be in the ceiling.

He scooted back though. I sighed and rubbed my temples. "Then let me see how hurt you are," I said, quickly pulling Mikey into the light before he could move again.

I blinked once. Then twice.

I looked down at my little brother's hands, broken and badly bent.

I looked at his elbow, sprained and covered in blue bruises.

I looked at his terrifyingly skinny torso, starved and dehydrated and full of broken ribs.

I looked and his arms and legs, full of deep cuts by blades.

I looked at his neck, one giant blackish bruise.

I looked his entire self, full of whip marks.

Time seemed to.... freeze. Always on the logical side of things, I never believed that it could happen. That time itself could just freeze. But then again, I never believed my only little brother would get kidnapped and tortured.

I felt..... furious. At Shredder.

No, not furious. That's an understatement. I felt frenzied. Enraged.


What the shell made Shredder do this to Mikey?! Forget unleashing Raph on him, I'm going to kill him myself! Slowly and painfully. I will make sure that he never, and I mean never, even gets to look at my baby bro again.

I realized I was shaking with anger, which was scaring Mikey.

"Hey, hey, hey," I cooed, not allowing myself to look weak in front of Mikey by crying, "its okay. I'm here for you now. Don't worry, Donnie's going to fix you riiiight up. Shh.... Its okay now."

I pulled a beaten Mikey into my arms, comforting him while he cried. How long has it been since I held my little brother like this? Comforted him like this? The answer: Far too long.

I, still lightly holding his shoulders, pulled him back from me. I looked him in his teary blue, innocent eyes, feeling horrible for what I was about to do.

"M- Mikey," I stated, trying to use a firm voice. "I need... to fix your hands and elbows." Mikey looked at me confused, seeming as though he was about to ask a question.

Before he could, however, I had already grabbed his left hand and twisted it in, trying to tune out his screams of pain as I did the same to his right hand and elbow.

When I finished I reached back into my shell to grab the kit, agony drumming in my heart with each tear Mikey cried.

I pulled out the cast wrapping and tightened them around each hand, then on his elbow.

¶I have no idea what doctors do to broken/sprained body parts. Just roll with it.¶

I quickly brought my sobbing brother to my plastron, whispering some calming things to him as to distract him from the pain.

"Hey, Mikey, its going to be okay," I said, squeezing him. "But... but why... but why did you... do that?" Mikey sniffled. My heart clenched and I hugged him tighter. "Because if I didn't, they would hurt more and never heal properly, upon which we would have to break them again," I said, and immediately regretted it.

Fear clouded Mikey's eyes and his breathing became shallow and he started sweating. He tried to get away from me, but I held onto him. I knew he was having a panic attack, and I kept telling him to breathe.

"In through the nose, out through the mouth. In... and out. In... and out," I encouraged, feeling his heartbeat slow down. After a minute of being sure he was calm, I let go.

"It's okay, Mikey," I said, reaching back into the medkit to get him a surprise, "I've got something for you."

Curiosity replaced the sadness and fear in my youngest brother's eyes. "What..." He sniffled. "Is it? A present? For me?"

He started to scoot next to me, and I smiled at him. "You could say it's a present," I said, handing him the brown box. He frowned at it, then looked at me pleadingly.

I mentally facepalmed. Mikey couldn't open the box with his hands!

I grinned st him and opened the box, watching his eyes brighten and widen. "F- f- f- for m- me- me?" He stuttered, gaping at me with his innocent face. I nodded.

I picked up the pizza slice and put it in his mouth, watching him smile as my heart melted. I love my little brother with all of my heart, and nothing in the world is ever going to change that.

We will get through this, and when we do, Shredder will pay.

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