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¶Oh yeah! I got 1K reads so far! Thank you ALL for reading!!!! Also, please read the story Mikey's Worst Move Ever. I think all of you will love it.😉¶

\Donnie's Memory/

Donnie's POV

I woke from my nap with a start, mind racing.

I took a few deep breaths to calm my almost computer mind and got up, pushing out the worried thoughts I was having.

I left my room with a yawn. Passing the kitchen, I looked at the clock, noticing that I had only slept a few hours. I stretched my arms and opened the lab doors, half asleep.

But then I was wide awake.

"Leo? Mikey? Anybody?!" I called, shocked to see neither of my brothers in the room. The IV tubes were disconnected and dangling, the bed sheets were ruffled and messed up, and the blanket was gone.

Whoa, whoa, whoa! Calm down, Donnie. Remember when you thought they were missing earlier? I'm sure that they're both around here.... somewhere....

Frowning as my doctor side kicked in, I left the lab in search of my brothers. Right as I was about to check their rooms, I did a double take of the living room.

There, in a bundle with Mikey in the middle holding the MIA blanket, Leo next to him in a ball, and Raph squeezing Mikey protectively, were my brothers, sprawled across the floor.

I chuckled and took the blanket off my little brother's hands, careful not to touch them. Mikey stirred in his sleep, mumbling, and Raph squeezed him tighter, nuzzling our littlest brother's freckled cheek with his forehead.

Leo groaned and rolled over, one arm spewed across Mikey's plastron. I sighed happily and laid down with them, my head nestled in Mikey's neck. Tears filled my eyes as I dreamed of when we were little, the memory playing in my sleep.

*Flashback to when turtles were 3 years old*

"Don-Don!" A small, scared Michelangelo called from the corner of the room they all shared. He was shaking, a nightmare of monsters eating him still fresh in his mind. "Don-Don!"

"Wha' is it, 'ikey?" A sleepy eyed, not yet purple banded Donatello called back, careful not to wake their oldest brothers. "Am trying to sweep!"

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