Chapter 2

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Tyler's P.O.V

The day went by normally. I just kept thinking about that kid, how he did nothing not even speak! Heck He didn't even come back for his glasses, I know he can't see anything.
The lunch bell had finally rang and I decided to look for him. I had eaten some chips in class before lunch so I could hold it out. I searched all over the school,bathrooms,gym,lunch room,library.the soccer,football,volleyball fields, and the locker room just Incase. He was no where. I started to lose hope that I won't see him again. I just sighed and walked into the lunch room to have what was left of the period with my friends.

*time skip because I have no idea what to write for lunch periods :D*

I walked into my 6th period class and sat down in my seat, I sit by a window so I decided to look out into the court yard. Seeing all the kids running through the yard trying to make it to class. One kid must haven't seen someone sitting at the fountain and pushed him in. I heard the yelling coming from the kid and started laughing to myself when I recognized the voice, it was the one and only Nogla.
The bell finally rang and the teacher walked in with a kid. I wasn't paying attention at the moment since I was daydreaming, daydreaming about him...
"Good after noon class!"
There was only one kid who said good after noon back.
"Man, tough crowd... Anyways we have a new student joining us today! His name is Craig."
Craig just looked at his feet and softly waved to the class.
"Craig we have a seat right over there behind Tyler, hopefully you will like this class and everyone in it" he had pointed to a seat behind me as I snapped back into reality when he said his name and looked at him. That's him! I thought to myself as he looked over at me and his new seat. He looked terrified and walked slowly to his desk and sat down Ignoring everyone. Poor kid, he must speak a different language if he didn't say anything. Luckily today we didn't have a lesson, we just had to keep writing a essay we had due that week. I decided to speak to Craig.
I turned around to face him. I must have scared him since he jumped and covered his face.
"Hello" I said "My name is Tyler! What about you?"
He was silent. Hmm
"...I believe you ran into me earlier by accident"
"I-I'm s-s-sorry i-i d-didnt s-see Wh-here I w-was g-going...!" He softly said as he started to shake.
"Huh?" I asked "It's fine I understand! Oh also I believe you had left something" I placed his glasses down on his desk as he looked at them and then at me. I just smiled.
"T-thank-s..." He put on his glasses while still looking down. "B-but w-why didn't you b-break Th-em..."
Did he know about my short temper?
"Because One, you seemed like you didn't want to be here and I understood that you accidentally bumped into me and Two because I'm not in a bad mood today" I responded.
He looked up a little when I said "bad mood"
"So am i-I lucky o-or are you going to b-beat me up l-later...?" He isn't sputtering as much now
I laughed when he said 'beat me up later' which confused and scared him at the same time
"I don't beat people up for no reason! Only if they decide to mess with me!" I've only been in one fight and that was 2 years ago in my freshman year, it was a senior who messed with me, luckily i won. That's how I'm popular, kinda, but the rumor of me beating a senior up still floats around the school.
There's something about his voice that soothes me, I wonder maybe his accent?
The teacher called me to stop talking and turn around, which I obeyed. I continue to work on my essay which I almost am finished with.
I feel someone lean to me, it was Craig
"Oh b-by the way my n-name is Craig b-but you can call me M-Mini..."
I smiled when he had said Mini, why is he called mini though?
"Heh, alright Nice to meet you Mini"
"You too Tyler..."
I smiled and went back to work

WhoOO BOI 769 WORDS :0???
(Wait 769...
Raz if your reading this, you can never escape ;))

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