Chapter 11

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Tyler's P.O.V

That was all I could think about at that very moment. I wasn't even hiding. I was in the middle of the room trying my best not to break down and praying that he is alright. The next think you hear is the window crash and a guy in a all black body suit and mask come in. He had to be 5'11. He had emerald green eyes and a car next to one. He seems familiar. As soon as he got up he pulled out an assault rifle and aimed it at me.
This is it. I thought. I'm going to die at school because I was to stupid to hide like everyone else. The gun went off and I closed my eyes waiting to feel the built run straight through me.
I felt no pain surprisingly. Maybe I died on impact? I opened my eyes to see the guy still there and to see my own teacher being shot trying to save me. It was in slow motion. She jumped in front of me and took the built. I just stood there in shock and let out a sob of fear. I guess other people must have heard me since some kid poked his head out from the hiding spot, screamed and started crying also.
"One down... 26 more to go~"
The guy said as he pointed the gun at me yet again. Before he could shoot police officers barged into the room.
"Guys get him!"
One officer yelled while look at the others.
"You guys will never get me alive"
He turned the guy at himself. Smiled and shot himself in the head causing him to die on impact. I was traumatized. My favorite teacher being shot, me nearly dying, the shooter killing himself.
"Kids you all need to GET OUT NOW! Lily take them out to the others right now!"
A female cop nodded and led me and the class out of the building to the court yard where basically everyone was at. They had to been escorted out by other officers. I got out and felt a pair of arms around me when I noticed it was Evan.
"Please tell me your okay!" He was crying.
"I-im perfectly fine Evan..."
"Why are you covered in blood then?!"
I looked down at my shirt and saw the blood.
"That has to be mrs lights..."
"I couldn't hide because I was having a break down and the guy came into my class room and was a-about to shoot me then she took the built for m-me!" I managed to say while I was shaking. Before another word could be said a few police officers came out.
"Everyone stay calm the shooter is dead. Class 427 was the first target everyone in that class will be stayed in there for a little longer even if they aren't hurt but a few people are injured same in class 425 the teacher was shot and that's the room where the shooter shot and killed himself. But as you can see, the kids are out here. We will be back to say who the shooter was and if everyone is okay.
Everyone nodded or responded back and then went back to talking or crying. Most kids were calling home and telling their family that they are okay.

*time skip to an hour later*

The police officers finally came out with the class of 427. There was a group of 10 kids.
"The shooter was one of your fellow class mates. Robert piloskió. Why would he do this? We have no idea but all we know is that he has been missing tons of days most likely planning for this day."
He then looked at the group of kids and nodded as they all started to walk back to their friends shaking or crying. I kept looking around at the group as they slowly separated and smiled brightly when I noticed one of them.
"Craig!" I yell out and run to him. I tackled him into a hug as he hugged me back shaking. Thank god he was alright.
"Are you okay?!"
He just slowly nodded as my other friends finally came over and sooner or later we were now a big group huddled. Everyone eventually broke free and as I tried to leave Craig's grip got stronger. He must be traumatized also. After around 5 minutes he finally let go and just looked at you.
"Are you okay?!"
"Yes I'm perfectly fine!"
"The Why are you covered in blood?!"
"Long story that I will tell you about later"
After 3ish hours they finally released us. They said the school will be closed for around a week if not a little longer. Great another break. Eh it's probably good since half of these people are probably going to remember this moment for their entire life. I mean who wouldn't?! I definitely would. Nearly getting killed and then Being saved by a teacher that everyone loved who might even be dead just because if me!
I said bye to everyone and ran home in shock.
I felt so bad for everyone who was caught in the cross fire and saw there friends die thinking that I probably lost a teacher and I nearly lost my own boyfriend made me want to sob my heart out right then and there.
I hope everyone will be alright

Accidental Love (a minicat Highschool au)Where stories live. Discover now